Daily Archives: October 2, 2023

MAA News – 2023 Mentoring Program

This summer saw the successful completion of the 2023 MAA Summer Workshop Program! The new programming run by the Mentoring Programs Committee (MPC) broadly aims to foster and mentor a diverse group of rising medievalists. During the 2022 summer, the … Continue reading

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MAA News – From the Editor’s Desk

Greetings from the editor’s desk at Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies. As always, I am delighted to introduce the research articles published in the new issue of the journal, in this case October 98/4 (2023). We again have an issue chock … Continue reading

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MAA News – Upcoming Deadlines

The Medieval Academy of America invites applications for the following grants. Please note that applicants must be members in good standing as of September 15 in order to be eligible for Medieval Academy awards. Schallek Fellowship The Schallek Fellowship provides … Continue reading

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MAA News – Race & Gender in the Global Middle Ages Working Group

Friday, October 20 at 12pm EST  Felege-Selam Solomon Yirga, Assistant Professor of History University of Tennessee, Knoxville “A Roman in Islamic Egypt: Memory and Identity in the Chronicle of John of Nikiu” The Chronicle of John of Nikiu, written in Coptic in the 7th century … Continue reading

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MAA News – The Multicultural Middle Ages Podcast Series is now welcoming proposals for single episodes to be featured in its third season.

After two successful seasons, The Multicultural Middle Ages (MMA) will return for its third season in 2024. Sponsored by the Medieval Academy of America, MMA is an anthology-style podcast attuned with the global turn in Medieval Studies. This podcast series … Continue reading

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MAA News – Call for Publication Prize Submissions

The Medieval Academy of America invites submissions for the following prizes to be awarded at the 2024 MAA Annual Meeting. The Medieval Academy warmly encourages the nomination of publications written by scholars working beyond the tenure track as well as … Continue reading

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MAA News – Call for Nominations for CARA Awards

Kindrick-CARA Service Award The Medieval Academy of America’s Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA) welcomes nominations for the Robert L. Kindrick–CARA Award for Outstanding Service to Medieval Studies. This award recognizes individuals who have developed, promoted, and administered Medieval … Continue reading

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