MAA GSC Mentorship Program
Friday, February 3rd
The Graduate Student Committee (GSC) of the Medieval Academy of America invites both those attending the 98th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, jointly hosted by the MAA and a consortium of medievalists from DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland– as well as any other interested medievalists–to participate in the GSC Mentorship Program. While the Annual Meeting will take place at the Grand Hyatt Washington in downtown Washington, DC during the weekend of February 23-26, please note that participants do NOT have to be registered to attend the conference in order to participate in the Mentorship Program.
The GSC Mentorship Program facilitates networking between graduate students or early career scholars and more established scholars by pairing students and scholars according to common interest or academic discipline. Mentorship exchanges are intended to help students establish professional contacts with scholars who can offer them career advice. The primary objective of this exchange is for the relationship to be active during the conference, though mentors and mentees are encouraged to continue communication after the conference has ended. Mentorship pairs are free to schedule their initial meeting virtually on Zoom or in person during the conference weekend, at the participants’ discretion.
To volunteer as a mentor (faculty, librarians, curators, independent scholars) or to sign up as a mentee, please submit the online form, linked here, by Friday, February 3rd. We will attempt to match all those who register as a mentee with mentors; however, if need be, preference will be granted in order of form submission.
On behalf of the committee, thank you for your interest and support of the GSC. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
All best,
Mary M. Alcaro & Margaret Heeschen