The Jackman Humanities Institute at the University of Toronto is pleased to announce Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities. Three Fellows will be selected for a two-year fellowship on the basis of accomplishment, promise of excellence, and relevance of their research to the 2012-13 theme, Food:
Food is a basic human need. It shapes desires and yields many kinds of enjoyment. The humanities explore food from diverse perspectives seeing it both as an object produced and consumed and also as the means and symbol of our human relations. The diversity of what we eat (and don’t eat) and of how food is produced and shared shapes cultures, communities, nations, and empires. Refracted through literature, religion, and art, food is a central lens for exploring human history and the patterns of our interaction. Hunger, as an index of poverty and of environmental disaster, provides a reversed lens with which we can explore justice and ethics. How humans get what they eat, from near and far, is basic to ways of inhabiting places on the earth and relating to other species. From hunter-gatherers to communal gardens, feudal farming to agribusiness, food and the systems that provide it are matched by a diversity of the tables at which we eat–food for celebration, sustenance, display, competition, joy and sorrow.
Fellowships begin 1 July 2012. Eligibility: Ph.D. between 1 July 2009 and 30 May 2012.
Apply at by December 1, 2011:
- userID registration
- online application form (click Funding, select Post-doctoral Fellowships)
- Uploads:
- 2-4 page letter of application explaining the link(s) between your research and the 2012-2013 theme, outlining the research to be undertaken during the fellowship
- full curriculum vitae
- published work, dissertation chapter, or work in progress (not to exceed 25-30 pages)
- 2-4 page statement of teaching interests including course proposals.
4. Names and email addresses of three referees (we will send an automatic reference letter request).
Only completed electronic applications submitted through the website will be considered (no paper, faxes, or email submissions please).