The Archibald Cason Edwards, Senior, and Sarah Stanley Gordon Edwards Memorial Travel Awards are available to graduate students and emerging scholars who are presenting papers on topics in the history of European medieval art in sponsored and special sessions. Eligibility is limited to ABD doctoral students and those who have held a doctoral degree for no more than two years at the time of application presenting papers on medieval art between 300 and 1500 in Europe, the Eastern Empire, the Holy Land, Scandinavia or the Slavic world. Preference will be given to scholars whose papers treat the medium of manuscript illumination, panel painting, fresco, stained glass, woodcut, enamel or sculpture and topics involving problems of text-and-image relationships, pictorial narrative, iconography, hagiography, patronage, devotion, gender studies and socio-political significance. There are two awards for each congress: $250, which will be presented at the congress, plus waiver of registration and room and board fees.
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