Call for Applications: MAA 2025 Graduate Professional Training Day (March 19 @ McMullen Museum, Boston College)

The local organizing committee of the MAA Centennial meeting invites graduate students to attend “An Introduction to Teaching in the Global Middle Ages,” a day of pre-conference professional training at Boston College’s McMullen Museum on Wednesday, March 19. This day of talks and workshops, led by Boston-area faculty, aims to support graduate students at all stages in developing an approach to teaching the Global Middle Ages. Students will emerge with a sense of the different disciplinary perspectives on both the ‘global’ and the ‘medieval’ in the context of teaching, pedagogical techniques and strategies for teaching a global medieval syllabus, and practical resources to use in the future, including a bibliography of resources and a syllabus that they have workshopped.

This training is open to any graduate student who is a member of the MAA. Those accepted to participate in this event will be expected to register for the MAA annual meeting to follow (March 20-23). In the event that more apply than we can accommodate, priority will be given to graduate students who submitted papers to the meeting that were not accepted, with the hope that students accepted for the workshop can retain funding from their institution to attend the workshop and the MAA meeting. Travel bursaries are available for those traveling from out of town.

Please submit an application at this link by October 18 (link goes to a Google Form). Successful applicants will receive more information with a formal invitation to participate by mid November.

Direct any questions to

The MAA Graduate Day organizing committee

Click here to apply.

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