Call for Papers – 22nd International Conference of Europeanists

“Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures”
Paris, France • July 8-10, 2015
Organized by the Council for European Studies

In many historical moments, Europe’s futures have seemed not simply open and uncertain, but replete with contradiction. Similarly, in contemporary Europe, the responses of both ordinary Europeans and the continent’s collective institutions to the challenges posed by crisis again constitute a series of contradictions—many of which reiterate large questions from Europe’s past, while also affecting the ability of social forces to imagine possible futures.

Today, Europe is a space within which the principle of social solidarity appears firmly rooted, yet also one in which the politics of austerity threaten to erode welfare state commitments. It is a context in which supra-national institutions and transnational social connections have progressed far, but also the scene of substantial efforts to reassert nationalism. It is a setting in which many are disenchanted with mainstream politics, yet also challenged by the possible growth of new movements. These and other tensions manifest themselves in individual lives, social relations, institutions, and collective projects.

Thus, for its 2015 conference, the Council for European Studies (CES) invites proposals for panels, roundtables, book discussions, and individual papers that examine such opposing tendencies and, facing forward, consider the many potential futures emerging from the European crisis. We encourage proposals in the widest range of disciplines, and, in particular, proposals that combine disciplines, nationalities, and generations. Although it is not mandatory that papers be related to the conference theme, papers that do so are especially welcome. The Committee will accept only two submissions per person as attendees may only present in a maximum of two sessions.

We strongly encourage participants to submit their proposals as part of an organized panel. Full panel proposals will be given top priority in the selection process by the Program Committee. Participants may find it useful to connect with like-minded scholars through the growing number of CES Research Networks.

Proposals may be submitted from August 18 to October 10, 2014. Participants will be notified of the Committee’s decisions by December 18, 2014. Information on how to submit will be posted on the Council’s website and disseminated through its newsletter. To subscribe to the CES newsletter, join the CES mailing list today.

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