Call for Papers – Epidemics: Contacts and Contagions, Reactions and Emotions

A Call for Papers has been issued for an international conference to take place in Naples, Italy, in June 2025: “Epidemics: Contacts and Contagions, Reactions and Emotions,” Naples, 4-6 June 2025. The conference will focus on all aspects of the theme up to the mid-19th century.

The theme of the conference is explained on the flyer, which can be found at this link: Here are the logistical details:

The colloquium will be held in Naples (Italy), from 4 to 6 June 2025, at the Polo Umanistico of the National Research Council (CNR) and the Fondazione Banco di Napoli.
Those wishing to participate can send a title and an abstract (500-800 words) by 1 November 2024 online via the submission form or to following e-mail address:
The scientific committee will notify authors of the acceptance of their papers (presentations or poster) by 15 January 2025.
Presentations (max. 20 minutes) may be given in English, Italian, Spanish or French. Power Points, posters and abstracts must be submitted in English.
No registration fee will be required. However, travel expenses, accommodation and meals should be provided by the participants.

For any information, please send an e-mail to:

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