Call for Papers – International Mediaeval Congress (IMC), Leeds

The International Albertus Magnus Society (IAMS) Call For Papers for the International Mediaeval Congress (IMC), Leeds, UK, 7-10 July 2025

The International Albertus Magnus Society (IAMS; would like to sponsor one or more sessions during the International Mediaeval Congress (IMC), Leeds, UK, 7-10 July 2025

For 2025 the IMC will have as its theme “Worlds of Learning.” Although individual papers need not address this theme explicitly, nonetheless it offers numerous opportunities for AlbertuH-nets Magnus scholars. Papers might examine Albert’s role in the creation of the Dominican educational curriculum; the influence of his works through vernacular translations; his reception of Greek, Hebrew, or Arabic sources; and much more. The IMC deadline for proposed sessions is September 30, 2024. We invite scholars to submit proposals by September 15, 2024 to Irven M. Resnick ( and Mercedes Rubio ( A proposal requires a title and an abstract not to exceed 100 words. Please include your full name; email address; postal address; telephone number; full affiliation details (department, institution); and title (e.g. Dr, Ms, Mr, Mx, Professor etc).

Although we would prefer in-person presentations, virtual presentations will also be considered. A ninety-minute session typically offers three papers; each presenter will be allowed 20 minutes, to be followed by 10 minutes of questions and discussion. Papers may be presented in languages other than English, although these may have a more limited audience. It will be necessary to include an abstract in English, nonetheless.

If you have any questions, please contact either Irven M. Resnick ( and Mercedes Rubio (

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