Call for Papers – “Medieval Temporalities”

Call for Papers for ICMS Kalamazoo 2022:

“Medieval Temporalities”

Notions of time, history, and nowness rest at the heart of medieval identifications with canonical or mythological pasts, constructions of historical and literary narratives, attention to materiality and embodiment, and imaginations of apocalypse or afterlife. These varied concepts of time are found in medieval arts of memory, writing and record-keeping, liturgical practices, and performances of speech, song, and movement. As such our historical and contemporary reckonings with the Middle Ages pose challenges to traditional and modernist-structured historiography, periodization, alterity, and racialized, gendered, and sexual identities. This interdisciplinary panel explores these varied temporal conceptualizations in the Middle Ages and how ideologies of modernity have shaped understandings of medieval pasts.

Session sponsored by the Marco Institute for Medieval & Renaissance Studies.

Submit proposals by Sept 15, 2021 to

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