Call for Papers – Musicology at Kalamazoo

The program committee for Musicology at Kalamazoo invites submissions for the 60th International Congress on Medieval Studies, which will be held on May 8-10, 2025 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The session topics approved by the Congress can be viewed at and include:


Chant and Liturgy: In Celebration of Joseph Dyer (ID 6365)
Medieval Dance and Processions: In Honor of the Centenary of Ingrid Brainard’s Birth (ID 6387)
Medieval Music and the Modern Imagination (ID 6328)
Musical Theory (ID 6335)
Music and Politics (ID 6367)
Soundscapes (ID 6336)
Text, Image, and Musical Practice (ID 6338)

Digital Humanities and Medieval Music (ID 6385)

We invite both specialists in musical disciplines and specialists in fields other than music to submit proposals, as we hope to foster interdisciplinary dialogue. Musicology at Kalamazoo strives to foster an environment that is supportive of medievalists of color and other marginalized groups. Papers tackling themes of diversity, inclusion, pedagogy, class, race, disability, gender, and sexual orientation will also be particularly welcome at our sessions.

Please keep in mind that we intend these session titles mostly as “hooks,” on which a multitude of proposals can be placed, rather than as limitations, so send us your best work. Proposals for papers (usually 20 mins) should include an abstract of no more than 300 words. All proposals must be submitted by 15 September 2024 via the Confex call for papers system on the ICMS website: This is required by the Medieval Institute.

The committee is also looking for volunteers to chair sessions. Self-nominations may be sent with a brief CV to the program committee at

If you have any questions, please contact the committee at We look forward to seeing you at Kalamazoo next May.


The Musicology at Kalamazoo Program Committee
Alison Altstatt
Henry T. Drummond
Melanie Batoff
Alessandra Ignesti
Suzanna Feldkamp

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