Call for Papers – Panel: “Red Reading the Premodern” (hybrid)

Panel: “Red Reading the Premodern” (hybrid)
60th International Congress on Medieval Studies

Kalamazoo, Michigan
May 9-10, 2025

This panel takes up Cherokee scholar Scott Andrews’ 2018 challenge to interpret (non-Indigenous) literature from Indigenous perspectives, an approach that he labels a ‘Red Reading,’ and extends it to premodern texts. Red Reading allows us to reconsider premodern texts, divorcing them from engrained approaches towards a plurality of perspectives. Our session takes a global approach to Indigeneity, and we welcome approaches and methods that extend from Indigenous communities within and beyond Turtle Island (examples of the latter includes Sami, Asante, Okinawan, or Zapotec to name but a few).

The threads of Red Reading are many, and we welcome papers that consider (but are not limited to) the following areas of interrogation:

  • Reading premodern texts through Indigenous literary approaches and methods
  • The representation of Indigenous peoples in premodern texts
  • The early threads of settler-colonial ideologies
  • Indigenous adaptations/retellings of medieval texts
  • Indigenous translations of medieval stories/texts

Abstracts due September 15th, 2024 to the ICMS Confex site:

Organized by Brenna Duperron & Sarah LaVoy-Brunette


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