Jobs for Medievalists

Opening for a position as Lecturer (fixed-term, full-time) at the Institute for Regional History (Institut für Fränkisch-Pfälzische Geschichte und Landeskunde) at Heidelberg University

The Institute for Regional History (Institut für Fränkisch-Pfälzische Geschichte und Landeskunde) within the Center for the Study of European History and Cultures (ZEGK) at Heidelberg University seeks to fill a full-time vacancy for a

Lecturer (fixed-term, full-time. Salary is determined in accordance with the German public sector salary scale at TV-L 13.)

This is a three-year position with the possibility for the contract to be extended for an additional three years. The position provides the respective candidate with the opportunity for further professional development (namely the completion of a Habilitation or a second book).

With this position, the FPI offers the successful candidate the chance to undertake research for their second book project, a considerable amount of independence, and managerial responsibilty. Scholarly outreach, management and teaching are all central to the profile of the position. In Heidelberg you will find support and the input of an extensive and international network of interdisciplinary medievalists.

Responsibilities of the position include administrative leadership of the Institute, undertaking research in medieval history that aligns with the profile of the Institute, offering courses in medieval regional history, organizational oversight of the Institute, as well as public outreach.

Only those applicants who have completed their Ph.D.  at time of application will be considered. The successful candidate is expected to display commitments to research, teaching, and the administration of the Institute, and will present a project proposal for a substantial second-book or Habilitationsschrift aligning with the Institute’s strengths and resources.  We expect research projects and other scholarly activities that carry out regional history within its global and comparative dimensions. They should also signal a willingness to work across disciplinary boundaries. Desired is an orientation, in its broadest sense, in cultural, social, economic or the history of every day life (e.g. cultural history of the political or in material culture) with a regional focus.

Heidelberg University stands for equal opportunities and diversity. We particularly welcome applications from qualified female candidates, who are underrepresented at the University. Disabled persons will be given preference if they are equally qualified. In principle, the position can be part-time.

Applications for the position are to be sent via email in one PDF-document, addressed to Prof Dr Jörg Peltzer and Prof Dr Romedio Schmitz-Esser. Please include a CV, list of publications and courses taught, degree certificates (PhD, MA, BA, A-levels), a statement on your proficiency of German, and a short outline describing future research (one to two pages). Please send applications to

Johanna Hauck, email:

The dead-line for application is: 17 December 2021$.startup?MODUL=LS&M1=1&M2=0&M3=0&PRO=30596

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