Latest Issue of Speculum is Now Available Online

The latest issue of Speculum is now available on the University of Chicago Press Journals website.

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Speculum, Volume 96, Number 1 (January 2021)

Apocalyptic Ecologies: Eschatology, the Ethics of Care, and the Fifteen Signs of the Doom in Early England
Shannon Gayk

Gregory of Tours on Sixth-Century Plague and Other Epidemics
Michael McCormick

Laying the Corpses to Rest: Grain, Embargoes, and Yersinia pestis in the Black Sea, 1346–48
Hannah Barker

From One Mortality Regime to Another? Mortality Crises in Late Medieval Haarlem, Holland, in Perspective
Daniel R. Curtis

The Healing Power of Music? Documentary Evidence from Late-Fourteenth-Century Bologna
Renata Pieragostini

Book Reviews
This issue of Speculum features 60 book reviews, including:

Hannah Barker, That Most Precious Merchandise: The Mediterranean Trade in Black Sea Slaves, 1260–1500

Reviewed by Reuven Amitai

Philippa Bright, ed. and trans., The Anglo-Latin “Gesta Romanorum, with Diane Speed and Juanita Ruys
Reviewed by Rebecca Krug

Robert Chazan, From Anti-Judaism to Anti-Semitism: Ancient and Medieval Christian Constructions of Jewish History
Reviewed by Michael Frassetto

Thomas E. A. Dale, Pygmalion’s Power: Romanesque Sculpture, the Senses, and Religious Experience
Reviewed by Deborah Kahn

George E. Demacopoulos, Colonizing Christianity: Greek and Latin Religious Identity in the Era of the Fourth Crusade
Reviewed by Nickiphoros I. Tsougarakis

Cynthia Hahn and Holger A. Klein, eds., Saints and Sacred Matter: The Cult of Relics in Byzantium and Beyond
Reviewed by Anne E. Lester

Elizabeth Papp Kamali, Felony and the Guilty Mind in Medieval England
Reviewed by Thomas J. McSweeney

Charles Perry, ed. and trans., Scents and Flavors: A Syrian Cookbook; Nawal Nasrallah, ed. and trans., Treasure Trove of Benefits and Variety at the Table: A Fourteenth-Century Egyptian Cookbook. English Translation, with an Introduction and Glossary
Reviewed by Manuela Marín

Kathryn M. Rudy, Image, Knife, and Gluepot: Early Assemblage in Manuscript and Print
Reviewed by Suzanne Karr Schmidt

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