Cod. Pal. germ. 848, Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift (Codex Manesse), Zürich, c.1300-c.1340, fol. 82v.
Members are invited to submit nominations to the Fellows and Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy. Fellows will cast ballots in January for the 2015 election, which will operate under by-laws and procedures adopted in 2013. Under the established rules, the number of slots available in 2015 for new Fellows is nine, for which there must be at least eighteen nominations. There is no established minimum number of nominations for Corresponding Fellows, although there are eleven openings.
Nominations for the 2015 elections must be received by 15 October 2014.
Instructions for nominations are available here:
Lists of Fellows, Corresponding Fellows and Emeriti/ae Fellows are available here:
Nominations should be submitted to the Executive Director at LFD@TheMedievalAcademy.org or mailed to:
Lisa Fagin Davis, Executive Director
Medieval Academy of America
17 Dunster St., Suite 202
Cambridge, Mass., 02138
Please note that nominations are to be kept in strictest confidence, from the nominee as well as from others.