“Dante and Virgil in Conversation,” from Oxford: Bodleian Library, MS. Holkham Misc. 48, p. 67. © Bodleian Library, University of Oxford.
To all Members of the Medieval Academy of America:
Members are hereby invited to submit nominations for the election of Fellows and Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America for 2019.
The title of Fellow was created in 1926 to recognize and honor those scholars among us who over the years have made outstanding contributions to Medieval Studies through their teaching, scholarship, and service. Nominations are encouraged in all the varied fields encompassed by Medieval Studies, and all members of the Medieval Academy are free to submit nominations. Those nominations are overseen by the Fellows Nominating Committee, which is empowered to intervene only if there is some notable inequity in the list of proposed nominees. Existing Fellows will cast their ballots in December and January. The election of 2019 will operate under the by-laws and procedures adopted in 2013 and revised in 2015.
Existing Fellows may also have chosen to become Emeriti or Emeritae Fellows, which has the effect of opening up additional slots the following year for the election of new Fellows. Such Emeriti/Emeritae Fellows retain the position of Fellow in every respect but relinquish their right to vote in the election of new Fellows.
Current bylaws prescribe that there may be a total of up to 125 Fellows who at the time of election are members of the Academy and residents of North America, and in addition up to 75 Corresponding Fellows who at the time of election are residents of countries outside of North America. Following the rules established by the current bylaws, four (4) slots are available for the year 2019, for which there must be at least eight (8) nominations. For the nomination of Corresponding Fellows no established minimum number of nominations is required.
Instructions for submitting nominations are available here:
Please refer to the lists of current Fellows before proposing a nomination:
Current Fellows:
Current Corresponding Fellows:
Nominations may be submitted by email (as a PDF attachment) to the Executive Director at <LFD@TheMedievalAcademy.org> or by mail to:
Lisa Fagin Davis, Executive Director
Medieval Academy of America
17 Dunster St., Suite 202
Cambridge, Mass. 02138
Nominations for the 2019 elections must be received by 31 October 2018. Unsuccessful nominations from previous years may be resubmitted. Please contact the Executive Director for further information.
Finally, please note that nominations are to be kept in strictest confidence, from the nominee as well as from others.
– John Van Engen, President of the Fellows