Historiated initial from Boethius, On the Consolation of Philosophy, Italy c.1385. Glasgow University Library, MS Hunter 374 (V.1.11), fol. 4r.
The 2012 CARA Annual Meeting took place at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, 4-6 October. The committee meeting was coordinated by Chair James Murray (Western Michigan University). Committee members present included Robert E. Bjork (Arizona State University), Richard Firth Green (Ohio State University) and Lilla Kopar (Catholic University of America); Director of Conference Programs, Thomas Goodmann (University of Miami), and Ex Officio, Non-Voting Members, Eileen Gardiner and Ronald Musto, Executive Directors of the MAA.
The CARA meeting added ten additional representatives: Maureen Boulton (University of Notre Dame), Massimo Ciavolella (UCLA), Lois Huneycutt (University of Missouri), Maryanne Kowaleski (Fordham University), Felice Lifschitz (University of Alberta), Michael Ryan (University of New Mexico) and Nancy Van Deusen (Claremont Graduate School), along with institutional hosts Frank Klaasen and Sarah Powrie from the University of Saskatchewan. The discussion centered on projects and problems at medieval centers and associations, as well as CARA’s support of graduate students through its various summer scholarships.
The Saturday morning program included a visit to Wanuskewin Heritage Park, a national historic site of the Northern Plains Indians located north of Saskatoon. The afternoon program, the centerpiece of the conference, was “Conversations through Time: The Cree Wanderer” with a trilingual reading of the Old English poem Swa cwæð eardstapa in Cree, Old English, and modern English, followed by a round table discussing the process of translation into Cree and the ways in which this process informs the text.
Our thanks to the local arrangements committee for a well-run and productive meeting.
Next year’s CARA Annual Meeting is scheduled to take place in Chicago at the Newberry Library from October 4-6. CARA is planning its 2014 annual meeting in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy at UCLA (10-13) April.