It’s not too late to book a guest lecture through the Medieval Academy Centennial Speaker Series! Twenty-one MAA Fellows are available to give subsidized and/or free talks and lectures at venues around North America, either in-person or on Zoom. These Fellows have proposed a variety of potential talks for both general and specialized audiences. It is an exciting list, and a fitting way to celebrate the Centennial of the MAA, as well as a means of supporting the Humanities in these challenging times. This series is aimed primarily at venues where scholarly talks from medievalists are not an everyday occurrence.
The University of Missouri – Kansas City recently took advantage of this opportunity by welcoming Patrick Geary to campus as part of a two-day symposium. Organizer Virginia Blanton sent this report:
“I am writing to report on the absolutely fantastic visit this week of Patrick Geary to UMKC. It was such a wonderful two days of great conversation about medieval history, grant-writing, ideal software, team-building, and more. Patrick’s lecture was a huge success, with faculty and students from across the campus. I was so excited that two UMKC geneticists from Biology and two bone researchers from our dental school were present and had interesting questions. Patrick was incredibly generous with his time and ideas, meeting with students and with our Digital and Public Humanities faculty. Out of all of this, I was able to meet one of my great heroes whose work on the cult of the saints shaped my own and offer him the chance to see that we are doing some interesting DH and manuscript research in our small corner of the world. So thank you to MAA, CARA, and the Fellows for making this program possible. I am really very grateful.”
Click the link below for more information and to learn how your institution can take advantage of this unique opportunity as well!