MAA News – Centennial Spotlight

Every month, we’ll be spotlighting two MAA Centennial Grant Projects. These twenty-one projects span the continent and reflect some of the best that Medieval Studies has to offer. We are so pleased to be able to support these symposia, performances, and digital initiatives as part of our Centennial celebrations.

Ohio: Mothers and Sisters of the Veil. With concerts on 21 and 22 March by Trobár Medieval (Cleveland), “Mothers and Sisters of the Veil” explores the lives of medieval nuns through their spiritual familial experience, with repertoire drawing from both Western Catholic and Byzantine Orthodox traditions of chant. Click here for

Puerto Rico: Jornadas caribeñas de estudios medievales: dedicadas a la Dra. Isabel Gutierrez del Arroyo (Caribbean Conferences on Medieval Studies: In Memory of Dr. Isabel Guitierrez del Arroyo), University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. From 31 March – 2 April, this conference will be dedicated to promoting and highlighting the importance and relevance of Medieval Studies on the island, in memory of Dr. Gutierrez del Arroyo – to celebrate her life, interest, and audacity as a scholar. This three-day event will focus on the importance of Medieval Studies in Latin America and the Caribbean and will present research of local medievalists.

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