Cod. Pal. germ. 848, Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift (Codex Manesse), Zürich, c.1300-c.1340, fol. 82v.
We are very pleased to announce that, beginning in 2017, the Medieval Academy of America will add a Digital Humanities Prize to its suite of publication honors, to be awarded alongside the Haskins Medal, the Brown Prize, and the Elliott Prize. The annual Medieval Academy of America Digital Humanities Prize will be awarded to an outstanding digital research project in Medieval Studies created and launched within the last five years. The Prize – an award of $1,000 – will be presented at the Medieval Academy of America’s Annual Meeting.
The Digital Initiatives Advisory Board (DIAB) of the Medieval Academy of America will select the award-winning project based on DIAB’s established criteria for high-quality digital medievalist projects, considering the following criteria, among others: quality of research and contributions to Medieval Studies; goals and methodologies of the project; design, presentation, and accessibility of the project; sustainability of the project and compatibility of its metadata.
Nominations are now being accepted online and must be submitted by midnight on October 15. Click here for more information about the DH Prize.