MAA News – Good News From Our Members

Several MAA members have recently been awarded major grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities:

Helen Davies (Univ. of Colorado, Colorado Springs), Illuminating the Past: A Summer Institute on Multispectral Imaging and Cultural Heritage Preservation

Amanda Madden (George Mason Univ.) et al., La sfera (The Globe): A Late Medieval World of Merchants, Maps, & Manuscripts.

Dot Porter (Univ. of Pennsylvania), VCEditor 2.0 Project

Marina Rustow (Princeton Univ.), Indian Ocean Documents from the Cairo Geniza

Monica H. Green has been elected an Associate Member of Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Honor Society (

Executive Director Lisa Fagin Davis is the subject of a lengthy profile in the September issue of The Atlantic. The article can be freely accessed here until 12 September.

If you have good news to share, please contact the Executive Director.

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