Cod. Pal. germ. 848, Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift (Codex Manesse), Zürich, c.1300-c.1340, fol. 82v.
The MAA is delighted to announce that the following members will be conducting research at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Historical Studies, in 2013-14: Mark Cruse, Bonnie Effros, Monica Green, Katherine Jansen, and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne.
Additional NEH Fellowships have been awarded to several MAA members: Bonnie Effros of the University of Florida received a Summer Stipend, and Cecilia Gaposchkin (Dartmouth College) and Dan Hobbins (Univ. of Notre Dame) are currently serving Fellowships awarded in 2012. Kristina Markman, a graduate student in the Dept. of History at UCLA, has been awarded a Dissertation Fellowship from the ACLS Program in East Europe Studies.