Tripoli, Bohemond VI or VII, gold bezant, 1251-87. Courtesy of Princeton University Numismatic Collection.
At the 2015 Annual Meeting, the award for Best Graduate Student Paper was awarded to Karen Fuller, Univ. of Notre Dame, for “Reading the Scribe, The Homemade Book: a Family of Scribe-Annotators in the MS Digby 145 Piers Plowman”
Student Travel Bursaries were awarded to:
Lars Christensen, University of Minnesota, “Escaping the Musical-Dynastic Cycle: A Chinese Emperor’s View of Music Historiography”
Miles Hopgood, Princeton Theological Seminary, “Marginal Structuring and the Princeton Mandevie: Scribal Commentary through Shaping Text Perception”
Emily Kesling, Univ. of Oxford, “Irish Influence and Forbidden Charms in Anglo-Saxon England”
Ingrid Pierce, Purdue Univ., “Hearing Voices in Julian of Norwich’s A Revelation of Love”