The MAA elections closed on 31 January 2012. Almost 19 percent of the membership (706 members) participated in the election, with less than 1 percent opting to vote by paper ballot. This is a strong showing compared with other learned societies, which often average around 15 percent.
The ballots will be presented at the Annual Business Meeting of the Medieval Academy in Saint Louis on Friday, 23 March at 1:00 PM in St. Louis Room of the Busch Student Center, St. Louis University.
The newly-elected Officers are:
President: Maryanne Kowaleski (History, Fordham University)
First Vice-President: Richard W. Unger (History, University of British Columbia)
Second Vice-President: William Chester Jordan (History, Princeton University)
The new Councillors are:
Christopher Baswell (English, Columbia University)
Cynthia Hahn (Art History, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Maureen Miller (History, University of California, Berkeley)
Miri Rubin (History, Queen Mary University of London)
The new members of the Nominating Committee are:
Nancy Van Deusen (Music, Claremont Graduate University)
Nicholas Watson (English, Harvard University)
The members of the Medieval Academy congratulate their the new officers and councillors, who will begin their terms at the close of the 2012 Annual Meeting, and the new members of the Nominating Committee, who will begin their terms at their meeting during the 2012 Annual Meeting.
The members also extend thanks to all those who generously stood for election.