Der Schulmeister von Eßlingen, from Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 848, Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift (Codex Manesse), Zürich, c.1300-c.1340, fol. 292v.
The Medieval Academy of America has long provided a variety of benefits of membership, including numerous fellowships, prizes and grants for travel, research and publications. Please see the list below for prizes and fellowships with looming deadlines, then follow the links for complete descriptions and application information. We encourage all eligible members to apply for these grants.
Graduate Student Fellowships and Awards
Birgit Baldwin Fellowship
(Deadline 15 November 2013)
Service Awards
Kindrick-CARA Award for Outstanding Service
(Deadline 15 November 2013)
Teaching Awards
CARA Award for Excellence in Teaching
(Deadline 15 November 2013)
Independent Scholars/Unaffiliated Faculty
Travel Grants
(Deadline 1 November 2013 for meetings to be held between 1 March and 31 August 2014)
Please see the MAA website for other grants and prizes offered by the Academy.