Cod. Pal. germ. 848, Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift (Codex Manesse), Zürich, c.1300-c.1340, fol. 82v.
As always, the Medieval Academy will have a strong presence at Kalamazoo next week, sponsoring a Plenary lecture, two related sessions, and, through CARA and the GSC, three roundtables:
Plenary lecture: Friday, 8:30 AM, East Ballroom, Bernhard Center
Cary J. Nederman (Texas A&M University), “Modern Toleration through a Medieval Lens: A ‘Judgmental’ View”
Related sessions: Toleration of the Religious “Other” (Fri. 1:30 PM, Session 231, Valley II, LeFevre Lounge); Toleration and Council (Fri. 3:30 PM, Session 285, Valley II, LeFevre Lounge)
Graduate Student Committee session: The Public Medievalist: A Roundtable on Engaging the Public with the Middle Ages (Thurs. 3:30 PM, Session 115, Schneider 1140), followed by the GSC reception with cash bar (5:30 PM, Fetzer 2030)
CARA sessions: What’s New in Digital Humanities (A Roundtable) (Sat. 10 AM,Session 375, Schneider 1340); Medievalists in the Media (A Roundtable) (Sat. 1:30 PM, Session 433, Schneider 1340)
Further information is available on the IMC website http://wmich.edu/medieval/congress/sessions.html.
In addition, the Medieval Academy exhibit table will be staffed in shifts by Speculum editor Sallie Spence, Executive Director Lisa Fagin Davis, and Editorial Assistant Erin Pomeroy. We hope you will stop by to say hello.