Tripoli, Bohemond VI or VII, gold bezant, 1251-87. Courtesy of Princeton University Numismatic Collection.
The inaugural MAA/GSC Grants in Innovation in Community Building and Professionalization have been awarded to three collaborative projects:
“English Manuscript Rolls 1200-1600: A Collaborative Digitization Project” (Anya Adair, Yale University; Katherine Hindley, Yale University; Jessica Henderson, Univ. of Toronto; Micah Goodrich, Univ. of Connecticut)
“Methods and Middle English” (Graduate Student conference) (Zachary Stone, Univ. of Virginia; Ryan D. Perry, Univ. of California, Berkeley; Spencer Strub, Univ. of California, Berkeley)
“15th annual Vagantes Medieval Graduate Student Conference” (Kyle G. Sweeney, Rice Univ.)
These projects, conceived and developed by teams of graduate students, are models of collaboration and innovation. The Academy is very pleased to be able to support these initiatives.