MAA News – Matching Challenge: You did it!

The two-year Matching Campaign officially concluded on 31 December. The Campaign was an enormous success, thanks to you! The Match was fulfilled on June 21, at which point we crossed the $150,000 mark and allocated the $150,000 Match among the various Funds. Since that time, we have raised an additional $117,148. The total raised, including the Match, is an astonishing $417,148! We are extremely grateful to the 662 of you who contributed to this campaign, including three anonymous donors of $150,000 (to fund the Match), $50,000, and $20,000 respectively.

At its meeting in December, following the advice of the Finance Committee, the Council determined that 75% of unrestricted donations should be allocated to support the endowment, with the remainder adding to the donor-restricted allocations. The final allocations are as follows:

Mentoring: $33,515 to support stipends and honoraria for the participants in the 2025 Summer Mentoring Program (more details coming soon).
Centennial: $135,750 to support the twenty-one Centennial Grant projects and 40 Centennial Bursaries of $500 each, as well as other Centennial-related expenses.
MedievALLists: $14,790 to support medievalists working beyond the tenure track, with specific programming to be determined by Council in the coming months.
Unrestricted: $18,631 remaining for purposes to be determined by Council in the coming months.
Endowment: $214,012 to invest in the future of the MAA.

Thank you for your support!

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