The Medieval Academy supports conference travel for unaffiliated or contingent scholars through our Travel Grant program. MAA Travel Grants are funded by donations to the Medieval Academy of America Travel Fund. The most recent awardees are:
Christine Axen, “Relocating the Sisters of St Catherine: Cistercian Identity and Urban Space in Thirteenth-Century Avignon” (Medieval Academy of America, 1-3 March 2018, Atlanta, Georgia)
William Campbell, “Monastic Preaching to the Laity in Thirteenth-Century England” (Medieval Monks, Nuns and Monastic Life,15-20 July 2018, University of Bristol, England)
Jitske Jasperse, “Three Twelfth-Century Sisters: Matilda, Leonor and Joanna Displaying Dynastic Connections Through Art” (Celebrating Female Agency in the Arts, 26-27 June 2018, New York City, New York)
Megan Camille McNamee, “Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Phillipps 1833: A ‘Bridge to Arithmetic'” (Medieval Academy of America, 1-3 March 2018, Atlanta, Georgia)
Robey Clark Patrick, “Exhuming Anushiruwān (Khosrow I): Leaves of Eternal Life and Alfonsine Historiography” (International Congress on Medieval Studies, 10-13 May 2018, Kalamazoo, Michigan)
Carla Maria Thomas, “Poetic Mutation: Old English Content in Latin Form” (2018 Congress of the New Chaucer Society, 10-15 July 2018, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Hope Deejune Williard, “The Epistolary Friendships of Anglo-Saxon Women” (Medieval Academy of America, 1-3 March 2018, Atlanta, Georgia)