Initial N: from James I of Aragon Overseeing a Court of Law: Unknown Spanish, about 1290 – 1310. MS. LUDWIG XIV 6, FOL. 72V
Dissertation Grants
Medieval Academy dissertation grants support advanced graduate students who are writing Ph.D. dissertations on medieval topics. The nine $2,000 grants help defray research expenses such as the cost of travel to research collections and the cost of photographs, photocopies, microfilms, and other research materials.
Schallek Awards
Schallek Awards support graduate students conducting doctoral research in any relevant discipline dealing with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350 – 1500). The five $2,000 grants help defray research expenses such as the cost of travel to research collections and the cost of photographs, photocopies, microfilms, and other research materials.
Constable Awards
Two Olivia Remie Constable Awards of $1,500 will be granted annually in memory of Remie Constable, each to an emerging junior faculty member, adjunct or unaffiliated scholar (broadly understood: post-doctoral, pre-tenure) for research and travel. This award is meant to reflect the high standards of Remie’s scholarship, but is not limited to her own specialty in the economic history of Arabic Spain, as suggested by her publications, but her broader interdisciplinary interests in Medieval Studies (as exemplified by her teaching, her leadership, and her service to the discipline).
The application deadline for all three of these programs is 15 February. Please note that applicants must be members of the Academy as of 15 January 2015.