What Makes Great Medieval Associations?
CARA on Zoom, Tuesday May 13th, 1pm-2pm EST
The MAA’s Committee on Centers and Regional Associations invites you to join us for a panel discussion by leaders of groups across the US and Canada on “what makes our association great?” Please join us as five leaders of medieval associations in the US and Canada discuss what makes theirs energizing, productive, and rewarding. We will address a number of issues as well as the personal challenges and rewards that come from supporting different medieval associations. We invite all to the conversation, which will include time for whole-group discussion. Topics include questions of membership, sustainability, finances, value, outreach, regionality (or not), mentoring, and hopes & dreams for the future.
Katherine Bezio (Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association)
Natalie Grinnell (Southeastern Medieval Assocation)
Heather Maring (Medieval Association of the Pacific)
Shannon McSheffrey (Canadian Society of Medievalists)
Montserrat Piera (Delaware Valley Medieval Association)
Virginia Blanton (Mid-America Medieval Association, CARA Executive Committee)
Click here to register.