Medieval Academy/CARA Summer Scholarships

Medieval Academy/CARA Summer Scholarships

A limited number of stipends are available for graduate students and particularly promising undergraduate students who plan to participate in summer courses in medieval languages or manuscript studies. The stipend will be paid directly to the program to offset a portion of the tuition cost and is contingent on acceptance into the program. Applicants must be members of the Medieval Academy in good standing with at least one year of graduate school remaining and must demonstrate both the importance of the summer course to their program of study and their home institution’s inability to offer analogous coursework.

Applications must be received by 15 April 2016 and will be judged by the Committee for Professional Development and the Chair of the CARA Committee. There will be between four and eight awards yearly, depending upon the number of worthy applicants and the cost of the summer programs.

Visit our website for further information and to apply:

Please contact the Medieval Academy at with any questions about this program.

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