Jobs For Medievalists

Full-Time Curatorial Position:

In our first year in a newly renovated UVa Shannon Library, Rare Book School is seeking a new team member for a position that can accommodate a wide range of curatorial experience. Entry-level Assistant, Associate Curator, and Full Curator are all potential outcomes in this search, based on skills and experience. Accordingly, the starting salary range for this position will be $58,000 to $70,000.

Inquiries/electronic copies of materials should be sent to the Director of Collections, Exhibitions & Scholarly Initiatives, Barbara Heritage, Review of applications will begin April 29, 2024 and continue until the position is filled. 

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MAA News – 2024 Committee Appointments

I am very pleased to announce the new MAA committee members, recently appointed by the Council in accordance with our policies and procedures:

American Historical Association Program Committee: Valerie Garver (Northern Illinois Univ.)
Kalamazoo Program Committee: Carolyn Twomey (Univ. of Nebraska – Lincoln)
Leeds Program Committee: John Tolan (Univ. de Nantes)

Baldwin Committee: Sara Ritchey (Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Olivia Remie Constable Award Committee: Sarah Lynch (Bates College)
Inclusivity & Diversity Prize Committee: Leah Devun (Rutgers Univ.)
Committee for Professional Development: (TBD)
Schallek Committee: Sebastian Sobecki (Univ. of Toronto)

Professional Support:
Advocacy Committee: Joseph Ackley (Wesleyan Univ.), Emily Francomano (Georgetown Univ.), Alison Perchuk (California State Univ. Channel Islands)
CARA Executive Board: Carolyn Twomey (Univ. of Nebraska – Lincoln)
Database of Medieval Digital Resources Committee: Esther Liberman Cuenca (Univ. of Houston – Victoria), Margaret Smith (Southern Ilinois Univ. Edwardsville)
Digital Humanities and Multimedia Studies Committee: Matt Westerby (National Gallery of Art)
Graduate Student Committee: Chair: Loren Lee (Univ. of Virginia), Mathilde Monpetit (New York Univ.), Camila Marcone (Yale Univ.), Rebekkah Hart (Case Western Reserve Univ.)
Inclusivity & Diversity Committee: Don Wyatt (Middlbury College)
K-12 Committee: Erica Buchberger (Univ. of Texas – Rio Grande Valley), second vacancy TBD
Mentoring Programs Committee: Lynn Shutters (Colorado State Univ.), Giulia Accornero (Yale Univ.), Joaneath Ann Spicer (Walters Art Museum)
Publications Advisory Board: Xiaofei Tian (Harvard Univ.)

Publication Prizes:
John Nicholas Brown Prize Committee: Sarah Davis-Secord (Univ. of New Mexico) (2027), Peter Larson (Univ. College Florida) (2028) [n.b. because the intended rising Chair of the Committee was obliged to recuse herself from service for 2025, two new members were brought onto the Committee, one of whom will serve an extra year]
Van Courtlandt Elliott Prize Committee: Roberta Frank (Yale Univ.)
Karen Gould Prize Committee: Nino Zchomelidse (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Monica H. Green Prize Committee: Lucy Barnhouse (Arkansas State Univ.)
Haskins Medal Committee: Ardis Butterfield (Yale Univ.)
Jerome E. Singerman Prize Committee: Linda Safran (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies/Univ. of Toronto)

I look forward to working with these new volunteers and the continuing committee members (all of whom are listed on the MAA website: About -> Committees). I am so grateful to all of our volunteers for their service to the Academy and to our field. We could not do our work without you!

– Lisa

Lisa Fagin Davis, Executive Director

p.s. if you are interested in being considered for committee service next year, please fill out this form (if you have filled it out in the past, please do so again so that we are certain to have your up-to-date preferences in hand).

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MAA News – MAA@Kzoo

As ever, the Medieval Academy will have a strong presence at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. We hope you will join us for these sessions and special events:

1) The Friday morning plenary, sponsored by the Academy, will be delivered by Carissa Harris (Temple University), “Medieval Reproductive Justice” (8:30 AM, Sangren 1910). Two related sessions organized by Prof. Harris will take place on Thursday at 3:30 PM (Session 118, Sangren Hall 1910, “Managing Reproduction in the Middle Ages”) and Friday at 10 AM (Session 175, Sangren Hall 1910, “Medieval Reproductive Justice (A Roundtable)).”

2) The Graduate Student Committee workshop, “Open-Source Medieval Studies: Digital Tools and Tricks for Graduate Student Research,” led by Benjamin Albritton, will take place on Thursday at 1:30 PM (Session 63, Sangren Hall 2110). A second GSC Roundtable will take place on Friday at 3:30 PM (Session 288, Sangren Hall 2710 (hybrid), “Publishing as a Graduate Student”). Finally, please join the Graduate Student Committee for their annual ICMS Mixer on Thursday evening from 6-7 PM in the Social Room at Kanley Chapel.

3) The Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA) Roundtable, “Building and Growing Medieval Studies: Creating Communities of Passion Beyond,” will take place on Saturday at 3:30 PM (Session 470, Waldo Library 3077). Due to the new footprint and schedule for the ICMS this year, we will not be hosting a CARA luncheon. We hope to revive that tradition next year.

4) Finally, we invite you to visit our staffed table in the exhibit hall on Thursday or Friday to introduce yourself, transact any Medieval Academy business you may have, or pick up some chocolate to keep you going during those long afternoon sessions. As in the past, we will be giving away fifty free one-year memberships to new members, so spread the word!

See you at the ‘Zoo!

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MAA News – MAA@Leeds

If you’re going to be at the Leeds International Medieval Congress this year, please join us on Tuesday, 2 July, 19.00-20.00 (Session 901) for the annual Medieval Academy Lecture, to be delivered by Monica Green: “Crisis Under a Microscope – the Black Death, Multidisciplinarity, and the Global Middle Ages.” Afterwards, join Prof. Green and MAA governance and staff members for the Medieval Academy’s open-bar wine reception.

The Medieval Academy’s Graduate Student Committee roundtable will take place Monday, 1 July, 19:00-20:00 (Session 411): “Community in Times of Crisis: Graduate Students in Medieval Studies and the Role of Service.” Participants include Lydia Shahan (Harvard University), Will Beattie (University of Notre Dame), and Emily Sun (Harvard University).

We hope to see you there!

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MAA News – Grants Awarded

The MAA has recently awarded the following grants:

Belle da Costa Greene Award: The 2024 Belle da Costa Greene Award has been presented to Thelma Trujillo (Univ. of Iowa), to support her project “Shades of Sanctity: Race in the Hagiographic Imagination.”

Constable Awards: The 2024 Oliva Remie Constable Awards have been presented to: Jacob Bell, “Unfreedom in the early medieval world”; Sarah Emily Bromberg, “Jewish Art and Exegesis for Christian Eyes: The Reception of Nicholas of Lyra’s Illustrated Biblical Commentary (1335-c.1700)”; Esther Liberman Cuenca, “On the Legal Materiality of Women’s Inheritances in Late Antiquity”; Kathleen Forste, “Rural Agriculture and Foodways in Islamic Iberia.”

Schallek Awards: The 2024 Schallek Awards have been presented to: Hannah Keller (The Ohio State Univ.), Tierney LaValley (Univ. of Exeter), Regina Albert Noto (Brown Univ.), Isabelle Ostertag (Univ. of Virginia), Jordan Kenneth Skinner (Princeton Univ.)

Congratulations! We are very pleased to be able to support these scholars and their research.

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MAA News – CARA Summer Scholarships Awarded

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 CARA Summer Scholarships: Noah Cole (Florida State University); Sarah Elizabeth Frisbie (Case Western Reserve Univ.); Carmela Furio (Univ. of Iowa); Liberty Huther (Univ. of Missouri), Edward Zack Maza (Princeton Univ.); Natalie Jane Nitsch (Univ. of Chicago); Pilar Rivett (Univ. of Oxford); Shannah Rose (New York Univ.); Katerina Yankanich (The George Washington University).

These scholarships support summer coursework in subjects not available at the applicants’ home institution.

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MAA News – CARA Call for Executive Committee Nominations

The Medieval Academy of America’s Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA) invites nominations to fill three upcoming vacancies on its Executive Committee. With a special focus upon teaching at all levels, CARA strives to assist institutions and individual medievalists in meeting the challenges that face medieval studies in the classroom, the library, and other institutional settings locally and nationally. It also supports those who work to develop special projects and programs of instruction, local and regional networks of medievalists, and centers of research and institutions in medieval studies, working in collaboration with the Academy’s K-12 Committee as well as organizations such as TEAMS (the Teaching Association for Medieval Studies).

Members of the Executive Committee serve four-year terms; in addition to working with the CARA Chair on programming, outreach, and curricular initiatives, each member serves on two of CARA’s four subcommittees responsible for the CARA Teaching Award, the CARA Robert Kendrick Service Prize, the CARA Regional Conference Grant, and the MAA-CARA Graduate Student Summer Scholarships. Members of the CARA Executive Committee also are eligible to serve as CARA’s Director of Conference Programs, responsible for organizing CARA sessions at the annual International Congress on Medieval Studies as well as the CARA plenary at the annual Medieval Academy meeting and the annual CARA meeting.

Service on the CARA Executive Committee is open to all members in good standing of the Medieval Academy of America, who may nominate themselves or be nominated by another individual. Nominations should include the following:

1. Name of nominee;

2. Nominee’s institutional or professional affiliation (including that of independent scholar);

3. A brief (c. 250-word) statement indicating the nominee’s qualifications for Executive Committee service, including their contributions to the areas of teaching, center or program administration, and/or professional collaboration and development in the field of Medieval Studies.

In accordance with CARA’s Policies and Procedures, nominations will be accepted until 1 November 2024 and reviewed thereafter by the CARA Executive Committee, which will forward its recommended candidate for approval by the Medieval Academy’s Council. The term of service for new members will begin at the conclusion of CARA’s annual meeting at Harvard University in March 2025. Please send nominations, as well as any questions or requests for further information, to the CARA Chair, Lauren Mancia (

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Newberry Workshop: Medieval Afterlives

This workshop explores the long reach of the Middle Ages into the present through the editions, versions, and reimaginings of medieval culture produced through the early modern period and into the modern day. Through discussions, group work, and hands-on activities with Newberry collection items, participants will better understand what post-medieval manifestations of texts, artworks, and other objects can teach us about the medieval past. In this way, we will also consider how the medieval can inform our present and guide our future.This workshop is free and open to all, but space is limited. Priority will be given to qualified applicants from CRS Consortium institutions. Consortium members may also be eligible to receive a CRS Consortium Grant to cover the costs of attending the workshop.

The application deadline is Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 11:59:59 pm Central Time.

Click here for more info.

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Call for Papers – Government and Institutions in the Regnum Francorum (Fall 2026)

Government and Institutions in the Regnum Francorum c. 450-c.1050: Studies in Administration and Practice

The Department of History at the University of New Hampshire and the Dunfey Family Fund are sponsoring a conference and subsequent volume focused on administrative practice in the region of the regnum Francorum from the later Roman Empire into the eleventh century. The conference organizers, David Bachrach, Stefan Esders, and Gregory Halfond are bringing together historians and archaeologists interested in the “nuts and bolts” of governmental and church administration on one of the five conference themes:

  1. Law and Justice
  2. Warfare
  3. Fiscal Assets/ Resources, both Governmental and Ecclesiastical
  4. Infrastructure of Communications, including both the “hardware” of roads, bridges etc. and “software” of human networks
  5. Assuring the Public Good

We particularly encourage proposals that cover one or more of the periods of Late Antiquity, Carolingian, and post-Carolingian. The conference is open to scholars across all ranks, including those working on their dissertations. The conference will take place in the fall semester of 2026 at the University of New Hampshire (Durham). All papers will be pre-circulated during the preceding summer. In each session, participants in the conference will address as a group three or four papers on a particular theme or topic. Participants may provide pre-circulated papers in German, French, or English. The language of the conference, however, will be in English. Each essay should include both a historiographical introduction and an original contribution, which can certainly build upon the participant’s earlier work. It is our intention to secure a publisher’s agreement for essays of 10,000-12,000 words, inclusive of notes.

The conference will pay for the accommodations of participants in Durham/Portsmouth, New Hampshire (north of Boston, Massachusetts), the main conference meals, and up to $1000 US for flights originating outside of the United States and $500 for flights within the US. To apply, please contact David Bachrach ( with your proposed title, a 200-300 word abstract, and a current curriculum vitae.

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Call for Sessions: Mary Jaharis Center Sponsored Panel, 60th International Congress on Medieval Studies

To encourage the integration of Byzantine studies within the scholarly community and medieval studies in particular, the Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture seeks proposals for a Mary Jaharis Center sponsored session at the 60th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, May 8–10, 2024. We invite session proposals on any topic relevant to Byzantine studies.

Session proposals must be submitted through the Mary Jaharis Center website. The deadline for submission is May 13, 2024.

If the proposed session is approved, the Mary Jaharis Center will reimburse a maximum of 4 session participants (presenters and moderator) up to $800 maximum for scholars traveling from North America and up to $1400 maximum for those traveling from outside North America. Funding is through reimbursement only; advance funding cannot be provided.

For further details and submission instructions, please visit

Contact Brandie Ratliff, Director, Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture, with any questions.

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