MAA News – 2024 MAA/GSC Grant in Innovation

We are pleased to announce that the 2024 MAA/GSC Grant for Innovation has been awarded to “Ballintober Bonds: Introductory Community Archaeology Workshop Series” (PI Wendy H. Vencel, North Carolina State University).

The MAA/GSC Grant is awarded annually to an individual or graduate student group from one or more universities. The purpose of this grant is to stimulate new and innovative efforts that support pre-professionalization, encourage communication and collaboration across diverse groups of graduate students, and build communities amongst graduate student medievalists.

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Online Summer Skills Seminar: Mediterranean Art: An Introduction

“Mediterranean Art History: An Introduction” 17—20 June  2024,

led by Dr. Karen Rose Mathews, University of Miami

This online Summer Skills Seminar provides participants with an overview of key concepts and methodologies in the study of Mediterranean art history. The course will address the themes of mobility, connectivity, and encounter in relation to the visual culture of peoples and territories across the sea. Participants will acquire an art historical tool kit to assist them in conducting their own research on the visual culture and artistic production of the medieval Mediterranean.

For more information, please see the link below:

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New England Medieval Consortium 2024: “Books and Transgressions”

New England Medieval Consortium 2024: “Books and Transgressions”

9 November 2024
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA
local organizing committee: Tina Montenegro and Eric Weiskott

This conference will provide an opportunity for medievalists working across a range of disciplines and geographic areas to join in conversation about premodern cultures of the book, boundarycrossing, and the law and other normative cultural expressions. Given this year’s conference location at a Jesuit, Catholic university, and our keynote speakers, we particularly (but not exclusively) invite submissions focused on regions other than England, including the Middle East; language traditions other than English; and religious cultures.

We interpret “transgressions” broadly, including the notions of access, trespass, and desire.

Accordingly, we welcome papers from medievalists in any discipline, concerned with any region or polity of Europe, Asia, or Africa. Papers might consider any of the following subtopics, or others:

  • books whose form, content, or provenance is transgressive;
  • textual cultures: books, authors, texts, audience expectations;
  • the codification of law and law-books;
  • transgression and sin in medieval philosophy and theology;
  • etiquette, diplomacy, or cultural norms, or remediations or contestations of these in written texts;
  • stylistic norms (e.g., poetic and rhetorical precepts) and their transgressions in writing or thevisual arts;
  • modern theoretical or methodological approaches to medieval texts;
  • vernacularity in literature, religion, or the visual arts as a mediation of cultural transgression;
  • the transgressive potential of medieval studies in the present day;
  • heterodoxy, heresy, or the function of the written word in regulating the boundaries of orthodoxy

We invite abstracts for 20-minute papers. Please send abstracts of 300 words to by 15 June 2024.

Our keynote speakers are Dr. Ariane Bottex-Ferragne and Dr. Ahmed El Shamsy. Professor Bottex-Ferragne is Assistant Professor of French at New York University. Her presentation is provisionally entitled “Rules of Transgression in Medieval Poetry: Lessons from a Forgotten Bestseller.” Professor El Shamsy is Professor of Islamic Thought at the University of Chicago. His presentation is provisionally entitled “Authors and their Audiences in Medieval Arabic Book Culture.”

The 2024 conference marks the quinquagenary (fiftieth anniversary) of the founding of the NEMC. As the conference returns to Boston College for the first time since 1981, we hope to make it an especially festive occasion. With our theme of “Books and Transgressions” and with our two invited keynotes, we also propose to expand, geographically, disciplinarily, linguistically, and conceptually, what “the Middle Ages” has signified to our colleagues and students. Boston College is located in Chestnut Hill, MA, and is easily accessible by car, plane, or bus. To learn more about the campus and its environs, see

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Multicultural Middle Ages Podcast and the Special Issue of Speculum

Dear Colleagues,

The team from The Multicultural Middle Ages Podcast is pleased to share our latest Speculum Spotlight episode with you, covering the latest themed issue on “Race, Race-Thinking, and Identity in the Global Middle Ages,” edited by Cord J. Whitaker, Nahir Otaño Gracia, and François-Xavier Fauvelle.

Please, tune into our conversation with the editors of the issue as well as the contributing authors. In the first part of the episode we talk with the editors about the importance of the issue as well as their approach to editing this collection of essays that promises to be a cornerstone for premodern critical race studies. In the second part of the episode, we speak with the seven contributing authors, who briefly encapsulate their articles and speak to the impact they hope their pieces will have.

You can find us in major podcasting platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts, and at our website:


Will Beattie
Jonathan F. Correa-Reyes
Reed O’Mara
Logan Quigley

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2024 Annual Meeting: Today’s Livestreamed Content

2024 Annual Meeting
Livestreamed Content

If you can’t join us in person at the University of Notre Dame, please join us online for today’s live-streamed content
(times are US Eastern):

10:30 AM – noon: CARA Plenary Session and Presentation of CARA Awards

Speaker: Zrinka Stahuljak, Director, CMRS Center for Early Global Studies;

Professor of Comparative Literature & French, UCLA, “How Early Before it is Too Late? ‘Medieval’ Periodization, Epistemic Change, and the Institution”

1 – 2 PM: MAA Annual Business Meeting

Annual Reports from the Executive Director, Treasurer, CARA Chair, Graduate Student Committee Chair, and ACLS Delegrate, followed by an open question-and-answer period.

Live-streams may be accessed here:

Recordings will be available after the meeting.

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2024 Annual Meeting Livestreamed Content

2024 Annual Meeting
Livestreamed Content

The 99th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America starts now!
Join us online to watch the plenaries
(times are US Eastern):

Recordings will be available after the meeting.

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Call for Applications – Interdisciplinary Summer School 2024

Call for applications

Interdisciplinary Summer School 2024

“Bridging Archaeogenetics and Medieval Studies: Using aDNA as a source for migration, demographics, kinship and pathology”

Date: September 23-27, 2024

Venue: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jägerstr. 22-23, 10117 Berlin (with a day trip to MPI EVA, Deutscher Platz 6, 04103 Leipzig, on 25 September)

Conveners: Center for Medieval Studies at Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) & Department of Archaeogenetics at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig (MPI EVA)

Organizers: Dr. Jörg Feuchter (BBAW) and Dr. Stephan Schiffels (MPI EVA)

Application deadline: April 30, 2024

Target group: M.A. students and junior PhD/doctoral students from History, Biology, Archaeology and other Natural Sciences and Humanities

Teaching language: English

Concept: In the age of the „ancientDNA-revolution“, archaeogenetic research institutes are nowadays routinely analysing samples from all periods of the human past, not the least from medieval times. Sometimes the scientific objective of the analysis resides primarily in the realm of History/Archaeology; sometimes the questions asked are of a biological nature; in other instances there is a mix of both. A rapidly growing and highly promising field of more or less intertwined genetic, historical, and archaeological knowledge production is developing, and the Middle Ages have become relevant to Genetics, as well as vice versa. Yet, true interdisciplinary cooperation remains rare, and there is much mutual distrust, misunderstanding and lack of knowledge. The Interdisciplinary Summer School „Bridging Archaeogenetics and Medieval Studies“ will bring together students from History, Biology, Archaeology and other relevant disciplines in order to familiarize them with the use of a(ncient)DNA as a source for migration, demographics, kinship and pathology in the Middle Ages. The Summer School will provide a general introduction to the scientific methods, both in theory and practice. In addition, participants will be given the opportunity to learn about a particular ongoing research project, „Migration and Urban Demographics in the Berlin-Brandenburg Area during the High Middle Ages“, in which many among the teaching staff are involved. Participants will be able to learn how the methods are applied to a concrete case study, to discuss with scientists cooperating in an ongoing research project, and to participate in interdisciplinary exchanges around specific problems. This interaction will help to develop critical engagement with the sometimes fundamentally different general approaches of scientists and scholars in the humanities.

Fees: There is no fee for participation. However, participants must cover their own accommodation and travel expenses for travelling to and from Berlin, as well as for the day trip to Leipzig. A number of inexpensive accommodations are available at the guesthouse of Humboldt University. They can be booked through the organizers.

Application details: Your application should include the following:

  1. Letter of motivation (one page, outlining why you are interested in participating in the Summer School and what you are expecting from it)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (one page)
  3. Scan of B.A. or M.A. diploma (or equivalent)

All three elements must be merged into a single PDF document

Please let us know in your application if you are interested in residing at the guesthouse of Humboldt University during the Summer School (single bedrooms with shared bathroom facilities, cost: about 300 EUR for six nights from September 22 to 27)

Please send your application to

Preliminary Program:

Some of the topics to be taught at the Summer School:


Introduction to population genetics
Detecting migration and kinship through aDNA;

Introduction to the questions and methods of medieval history and to the challenges of interdisciplinary research on the Middle Ages

Introduction to the archaeology of migration, kinship and gender

Field trip to excavation site in Berlin

Detecting pathogens through aDNA

Speakers include:

Jörg Feuchter (BBAW,

Patrick Geary (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton;

Claudia M. Melisch (Melisch Archäologie, Berlin;

Michael Nothnagel (University of Cologne,

Stephan Schiffels (MPI EVA;

The Summer School will begin on September 23, 9.30 a.m. and end on September 27, 3 p.m.



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Women Medievalists on Medieval Women

You are invited to attend “Women Medievalists on Medieval Women,” a “state-of-the-field” symposium & reception on Wednesday, March 20, at 5:30 PM, at the Grolier Club in New York City. Sponsored by the American Trust for the British Library, the Early Book Society, and the Virginia Fox Stern Center for the History of the Book in the Renaissance, Johns Hopkins University. Free to attend—in person and livestream available.

Details and speakers’ list here.
Register here.

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Online Lecture: Recycled Cities: Sardis and the Fortifications of Early Byzantine Anatolia

The Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture is pleased to announce the final lecture in our 2023–2024 lecture series.

Thursday, March 28, 2024 | 12:00 PM EDT | Zoom
Recycled Cities: Sardis and the Fortifications of Early Byzantine Anatolia
Jordan Pickett, University of Georgia

The largest standing architecture at the ruined city of Sardis is not its famous Temple of Artemis, the fourth largest Ionic temple of antiquity, but is instead the massive but little-published fortification that sits on its Acropolis. This paper delivers preliminary results from new study of the Byzantine fortifications on the Acropolis at Sardis, part of the larger Harvard-Cornell Exploration of Sardis ongoing since 1958. Composed entirely of thousands of architectural blocks and sculpture recycled from older Iron Age and Roman monuments of Sardis, our understanding of the Acropolis fortifications hinges on three questions considered here. How has the Acropolis, composed of extraordinarily friable loose conglomerate subject to erosion and earthquake, changed since Antiquity? When were the Acropolis fortifications constructed? Possibilities range from c. 550 during the reign of Justinian to as late as c. 850. And, how and by whom were the Acropolis fortifications constructed? Set at a remarkably steep elevation, the labor for transport and construction with reused materials was extraordinary. No minor monument of the “Dark Ages”, the fortifications on the Acropolis at Sardis stand as a remarkably well-preserved complex of defensive architecture that sheds light on the priorities and capacities of communities in Byzantine Anatolia.

Jordan Pickett is Assistant Professor in the Department of Classics at the University of Georgia and co-PI, with Benjamin Anderson (Cornell University), for Acropolis investigation for the Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Turkey, under the direction of Nick Cahill (University of Wisconsin).

Advance registration required at

Contact Brandie Ratliff (, Director, Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture with any questions.

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Opportunity for Graduate Students & ECRs: Inscriptions in a Digital Environment: An Introduction to EpiDoc for Byzantinists

The Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture and the Byzantine Studies Association of North America are pleased to offer a three-part EpiDoc workshop for graduate students and early career researchers in collaboration with Martina Filosa of the University of Cologne.

Inscriptions in a Digital Environment: An Introduction to EpiDoc for Byzantinists, workshop by Martina Filosa (University of Cologne), Zoom, April 5, 12, and 26, 2024, 11:00 AM–3:00 PM EDT with a break from 12:30–1:00 PM

In this online workshop, participants will explore the use of EpiDoc, the established standard for digitally encoding ancient inscriptions, papyri, and other primary and documentary texts in TEI XML for online publication and interchange. The workshop will also introduce the participants to the EFES (EpiDoc Front-End Services) platform for viewing and publishing EpiDoc editions. The workshop will include asynchronous tutorials, real-time sessions, and guided hands-on exercises. Participants will have the opportunity to work with their own epigraphic material, broadly understood.

Registration closes Friday, March 22.

Who is eligible?

  • Graduate students and early career researchers (PhD received after April 2016) in the field of Byzantine studies.
  • All participants must be BSANA members. BSANA membership is free for graduate students and early-career contingent scholars who have earned their PhD within the last eight years and who do not hold a permanent or tenure-track appointment. If you are not already a BSANA member, please complete the BSANA Membership Form before registering for the workshop. Your membership status will be confirmed before your space in the workshop is confirmed.

For a full description of the workshop and to register your interest, please visit

Contact Brandie Ratliff, Director, Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture, with any questions.

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