Introducing Medieval DC at the Smithsonian Castle & National Museum of Asian Art

Introducing Medieval DC at the Smithsonian Castle & National Museum of Asian Art

Saturday, October 14 at 10 AM

The Middle Ages may seem completely foreign to contemporary Americans, but the medieval world is all around us in Washington, DC. Our city is filled with both objects produced during the global Middle Ages, held in some of the city’s world-class museums, and with buildings, statues, and institutions that reflect the ongoing impact of the Middle Ages on our world today. Join the Medieval DC team for an event celebrating our new Medieval DC website, a resource for learning about the global Middle Ages in the nation’s capital. Funded by DC Humanities and housed at the Catholic University of America, Medieval DC introduces users to the many ways to experience the medieval in DC.

As we launch the Medieval DC website, join us on Saturday, October 14 for a tour exploring the medieval and medievalism in DC. We will begin at 10 am with a guided visit to the Smithsonian Castle, featuring local historian Dr. Jennifer Paxton, followed by a specially-designed tour organized by the National Museum of Asian Art at 10:30 am, with coffee and cookies to follow.

Admission is free, but you must sign up by following the event link: Spaces are limited.

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MAA News – 2023 Mentoring Program

This summer saw the successful completion of the 2023 MAA Summer Workshop Program!

The new programming run by the Mentoring Programs Committee (MPC) broadly aims to foster and mentor a diverse group of rising medievalists. During the 2022 summer, the MPC (chaired by Teofilo Ruiz, UCLA) successfully organized its pilot program, which convened for multiple weeks over zoom and culminated in an in-person gathering at Yale (hosted by Hussein Fancy).

This summer, the MPC (chaired by Nancy Wu, The Metropolitan Museum of Art), organized a one-day virtual event exclusively focused on grant-writing. Organized and convened by Liz Hardman (Bronx Community College, CUNY) and Ana C. Núñez (Stanford University), the virtual event was hosted by UCLA’s Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS)-Center for Early Global Studies (CEGS). Jennifer Speed (Texas State University) and Nicole Lopez-Jantzen (Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY)—who had previously participated in the 2023 pilot program—led the day’s programming.

This summer, seven students from different American and European universities, across multiple medieval disciplines, gathered together online to learn effective strategies for seeking grants at various stages of one’s career. Participants explored key elements common to grant writing, from addressing institutional mission statements to constructing budgets. Throughout the day, participants discussed model grants and engaged in shared writing exercises describing and pitching their work.

If you would like to get involved in the MPC’s programming, watch for calls for mentors and workshop facilitators for the upcoming 2024 MAA Summer Workshop Program. Next year’s event–convened by Liz Hardman and Thomas Barton (UC San Diego)—will again feature weeks of programming online, with a culminating in-person gathering at UC Berkeley.

The organizers would like to thank everyone at UCLA’s CMRS-CEGS who helped make the day a success: Zrinka Stahuljak, Karen Burgess, and Thi Nguyen.

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MAA News – From the Editor’s Desk

Greetings from the editor’s desk at Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies. As always, I am delighted to introduce the research articles published in the new issue of the journal, in this case October 98/4 (2023). We again have an issue chock full of work by early career scholars. The issue opens with the article of Georgios Makris, “Jewelry and People in the Byzantine Cemetery of Parapotamos, Epiros,” which shows what jewelry interred in grave sites can tell us about gender, status, trade, and society in one small Greek community.  From archaeology and material culture in Byzantium, we turn to Mary Channen Caldwell’s essay, “Multilingualism, Nova cantica, and the Cult of Saint Nicholas in Medieval England and France,” which moves us to the musical landscape of northwestern Europe to examine multilingualism as it emerges in songs written to honor Saint Nicholas in the high Middle Ages.  Ethan Yeong Lee’s “Instruments of Penance: The Role of Testaments in the Penitential Economy of Thirteenth-Century Italy” reveals how a study of last wills and testaments can throw new light on spirituality and religious devotion of the period. Joshua Easterling’s “Idolatry of Feeling: Walter Hilton and the Inner Life of Heresy” contributes to the history of emotions with his reading of Hilton’s Latin and vernacular writings on heresy. And finally, Matthew Champion’s “Saint Catherine and the Clock: Possible Histories of Sound and Time in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century France” offers a thought experiment about the sonic landscape of Rouen. The issue, then, presents exciting new research and methodologies by scholars representing the fields of art and archaeology; music; English and Latin literature; and history.

I would also like to draw your attention to a new section of the journal, inaugurated in this issue, that will become a feature every October, called “Recognition of Our Peer Reviewers.” Here we acknowledge the work of our unsung peer reviewers—those who have consented to be listed and those who wished to remain anonymous—for the uncredited but important work they do for the journal. Their labor is fundamental to peer review and their feedback serves to strengthen the quality of the articles we publish in Speculum. With this small token, we thank those who have freely given their expertise to the profession.

On a different note, I hope you have had the opportunity to listen to our new podcast, “Speculum Spotlight,” a collaboration with the crew at “The Multicultural Middle Ages.” As I noted in my last column, the scope of the podcast is (ordinarily) to introduce the work of an early career scholar, taking you behind the scenes in the making of a research article. Staying true to that mission, this month, Reed O’Mara, a PhD candidate in the Department of Art History and Art at Case Western Reserve University, engages in a far-reaching conversation with Georgios Makris on his research article cited above, but also taking you behind and beyond it. You can listen here.

New research is the journal’s lifeblood, so we take special pride when Speculum articles have received recognition in their respective fields. Four authors of articles published lately in the journal have been awarded top disciplinary prizes. In alphabetical order, they are:

Petros Bouras-Vallianatos, “Cross-cultural Transfer of Medical Knowledge in the Medieval Mediterranean: The Introduction and Dissemination of Sugar-based Potions from the Islamic World to Byzantium,” Speculum 96/4 (2021): 963–1008. November 2021 Article of the Month for The Mediterranean Seminar and Winner of the 2022 J. Worth Estes Prize, American Association for the History of Medicine.

Mary Harvey Doyno, “Roman Women: Female Religious, the Papacy, and a Growing Dominican Order,” Speculum 97/4 (2022): 1040–72. Runner-up for 2023 Hagiography Society Article Prize.

Elizabeth Papp Kamali, “Tales of the Living Dead: Dealing with Doubt in Medieval English Law,” Speculum 96/2 (2021): 367–417. Winner of the 2022 Sutherland Prize, American Society for Legal History.

Peter V. Loewen, “A Rudder for The Ship of Fools?: Bosch’s Franciscans as Jongleurs of God,” Speculum 96/4 (2021): 1079–1138. Winner of the 2022 H. Colin Slim Award, American Musicological Society.

Congratulations to all our authors on these richly deserved prizes. If your recent Speculum article has won a prize, please do let us know so that we can congratulate you too.

Finally, the editorial collective for Speculations, the upcoming centenary issue of the journal, emphasizes that the call for proposals is an open call. The issue will include 50 short articles, and the collective is committed to a broad and diverse representation of topics, subjects, methods, and medievalists. Our deadline for proposals is 1 December 2023. You can review the call for proposals below in this newsletter. We’d love to have yours among them!

Till next time,

Katherine L. Jansen

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MAA News – Upcoming Deadlines

The Medieval Academy of America invites applications for the following grants. Please note that applicants must be members in good standing as of September 15 in order to be eligible for Medieval Academy awards.

Schallek Fellowship
The Schallek Fellowship provides a one-year grant of $30,000 to support Ph.D. dissertation research in any relevant discipline dealing with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350-1500). (Deadline 15 October 2023)

Travel Grants
The Medieval Academy provides travel grants to help Academy members who hold doctorates but are not in full-time faculty positions, or are contingent faculty without access to institutional funding, attend conferences to present their work. (Deadline 1 November 2023 for meetings to be held between 16 February and 31 August 2024)

MAA/CARA Conference Grant
The MAA/CARA Conference Grant for Regional Associations and Programs awards $1,000 to help support a regional or consortial conference taking place in 2024. (Deadline 15 October 2023)

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MAA News – Race & Gender in the Global Middle Ages Working Group

Friday, October 20 at 12pm EST 

Felege-Selam Solomon Yirga, Assistant Professor of History
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

“A Roman in Islamic Egypt: Memory and Identity in the Chronicle of John of Nikiu”

The Chronicle of John of Nikiu, written in Coptic in the 7th century but surviving only in the form of a 17th-century Ge’ez translation of an Arabic intermediary, is often treated as an expression of an Egyptian identity rooted in miaphysite Christianity and some degree of antipathy towards and alienation from the Roman state. These readings are informed by a preconceived notion that there was a great degree of continuity between the Coptic church of the Early Islamic period and the Alexandrian church of the Roman empire, and a tacit belief that the Council of Chalcedon created an ideological rift between Alexandria and Constantinople. In this chapter, which will appear in my forthcoming book on the Chronicle, I argue that John of Nikiu’s text in fact reveals a historian who seemed to conceive of the historical Egypt as a core territory of the Roman empire by virtue of the province’s role in Christian history. Furthermore, he seems to view himself, and the Christians of Egypt, as in some way inextricably linked, even tacitly hinting that, should the government and church in Constantinople adopt an anti-Chalcedonian position, the Arab invasion of Egypt could be undone. The implication of this conclusion not only effects our understanding of the emergence of a distinct Coptic identity, but also challenges teleological notions of the inevitability of the long-term presence of Islamic hegemony over formerly Roman lands, which often pervade Islamic narrative sources, and which tend to inform modern scholarship on the subject.

Register at:

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MAA News – The Multicultural Middle Ages Podcast Series is now welcoming proposals for single episodes to be featured in its third season.

After two successful seasons, The Multicultural Middle Ages (MMA) will return for its third season in 2024. Sponsored by the Medieval Academy of America, MMA is an anthology-style podcast attuned with the global turn in Medieval Studies. This podcast series is a platform from which to continue ongoing conversations and generate new and exciting avenues of inquiry related to the Middle Ages that emphasize its diversity. We welcome thoughtful reflections on culturally responsible approaches to the study of the Middle Ages and content aimed at strengthening connections between experts and the wider public. This is a space from which to speak to fellow medievalists and, more importantly, the wider public in order to better inform our audience about the multicultural reality of the premodern era and the fact that the study of the medieval period extends beyond Western Europe.

We invite proposals from individuals and collaborators of all ranks and disciplines for single podcast episodes on innovative, thoughtful, and culturally responsible approaches to the Middle Ages aimed at fellow medievalists and the wider public. We welcome submissions by graduate students.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Innovative methodological/disciplinary approaches to the Middle Ages
  • The future of Medieval Studies
  • Research on the multicultural, multiracial, and multiethnic Middle Ages
  • Discussions of recent scholarship
  • Archival discoveries
  • Academic activism and responses to misappropriations of the Middle Ages
  • Pedagogical approaches
  • Medievalism(s)
  • Approaches to curating exhibitions of the Middle Ages

Possible formats may include narrative expositions, interviews, textual analysis, visual analysis, oral performances, and panel discussions. Further information is available upon request.

No previous experience with podcasting is required. The Graduate Student Committee of the MAA has hosted several podcasting workshops, which are now available on the MAA YouTube channel. An MMA team member will gladly support you through the episode development process or take care of the entire technical setup and post-production. If you would like our technical assistance to realize your episode, such as facilitating an interview, helping record the episode, or taking care of the audio editing, kindly make a note of it in your proposal.

Your application should include a brief description (500 words) of your proposed episode, noting the following:

  • The chosen topic and its relevance;
  • the plan for adapting the topic to a podcast medium (we encourage 40-50 min. episodes, but also welcome proposals for shorter or longer episodes);
  • the episode format (interview, narrative, etc.) along with an overview of its structure and a description of the support you’ll need from the MMA production team.

This information is not binding but will help the committee assess better the potential of the proposed project. Please include the name and a CV for each author. Submit your proposals via email to and to Jonathan Correa ( by November 17, 2023.

The Multicultural Middle Ages Podcast Series Production Team
Will Beattie |
Jonathan Correa-Reyes |
Reed O’Mara |
Logan Quigley |

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MAA News – Call for Publication Prize Submissions

The Medieval Academy of America invites submissions for the following prizes to be awarded at the 2024 MAA Annual Meeting. The Medieval Academy warmly encourages the nomination of publications written by scholars working beyond the tenure track as well as those written by faculty. Unless otherwise indicated, submissions are to be made by the publisher. If your project, monograph, or article is eligible, please contact your publisher and ask them to nominate your work. Submission instructions vary, but all dossiers must complete by 15 October 2023.

PLEASE NOTE: because of the ongoing MAA office closure, PDF review copies of nominated books may be submitted instead of hardcopies (PDFs should be emailed to the Executive Director). In addition, the residency restrictions limiting eligibility for some book prizes to residents of North America have been lifted.

John Nicholas Brown Prize
Awarded to a first monograph of outstanding quality in the field of medieval studies.

Article Prize in Critical Race Studies
Awarded annually to an article in the field of medieval studies that explores questions of race and the medieval world, and which is judged by the selection committee to be of outstanding quality.

Digital Humanities Prize
Awarded to an outstanding digital research project or resource in the field of medieval studies.

Van Courtlandt Elliott Prize
Awarded to a first article of outstanding quality in the field of medieval studies.

Karen Gould Prize
Awarded to a monograph of outstanding quality in medieval art history.

Monica H. Green Prize
Awarded to an exceptional project that demonstrates the value of medieval studies in our present day.

Haskins Medal
Awarded to a distinguished monograph in the field of medieval studies.

Jerome Singerman Prize
Awarded to a meritorious second monograph in the field of medieval studies.

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MAA News – Call for Nominations for CARA Awards

Kindrick-CARA Service Award

The Medieval Academy of America’s Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA) welcomes nominations for the Robert L. Kindrick–CARA Award for Outstanding Service to Medieval Studies. This award recognizes individuals who have developed, promoted, and administered Medieval Studies programming, curricula, and research—work that often goes unrecognized by the profession at large. Nominees for this award of $1000, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy, normally should be members in good standing of the Medieval Academy of America. The annual deadline for nominations is 15 November. For more information, please visit the Kindrick-CARA Service Award web page here.

CARA Award for Excellence in Teaching

The Medieval Academy’s Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA) invites nominations for its annual teaching prize, which recognizes outstanding pedagogical achievement by Medieval Academy members. This can include:

  • teaching inspiring courses at the undergraduate or graduate level;
  • creating innovative teaching materials (including textbooks);
  • developing courses and curricula;
  • scholarship of teaching and learning (including presentations at conferences as well as publications)
  • support for K-12 pedagogy and curricula;
  • community-oriented or publicly-directed educational initiatives.

Normally, one prize is given for undergraduate and one prize for graduate teaching, each in the amount of $500. These will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy. The annual deadline for nominations is 15 November. For more information, please visit the CARA Teaching Award web page here.

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Middle Ages: digital and virtual—objects, practices, reflections

Middle Ages: digital and virtual—objects, practices, reflections
An expert meeting on 24 October 2023 (hybrid)

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, SFB 1567 Virtuelle Lebenswelten, sub project B02 Virtuelles Mittelalter

With digital media at our fingertips (quite literally), the European Middle Ages are only one click away. Today’s digital spaces allow us to approach, experience, and sometimes even immerse ourselves into reconstructions of the medieval past—whether scientifically or in popular culture. These digital landscapes reshape our perception of history, prompting a revaluation of historiographical and pedagogical approaches to the Middle Ages. And where the digital finds its physical limits, the virtual Middle Ages continue, transcending technology and creating a realm in imagination as much as in reality. Critically, we must navigate the digital’s impact on our understanding of the Middle Ages. How do the Middle Ages extend into our virtual worlds, and how does this affect how the past is created?

In this workshop medievalists, digitisation experts, museum professionals, didactic specialists, and librarians convene to explore digital and virtual developments in discourse about the Middle Ages. The experts provide video presentations beforehand. During the day of the workshop, they discuss both the practical implementation and theoretical discourse, aiming to redefine digital medievalism and reconsider how knowledge about the Middle Ages is created, formed, and communicated.

View the online video presentations from 10 October onwards.

Sign up with this link to view the videos and/or as audience for the expert meeting.:

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The 2024 Grolier Club Library William H. Helfand Fellowship

Each year, the Grolier Club Library offers a fellowship in the art and history of the book, named in honor of late Grolier Club benefactor and former president William H. Helfand (1926-2018).

This year, which marks the 20th anniversary of the program, the Club is pleased to re-launch its annual fellowship. Due to the COVID pandemic, the Grolier Club Library paused its Helfand fellowship program from 2020 through 2023. Awards of up to $3,000 are again available for research in the Library’s areas of strength, with emphasis on the private collecting of books and prints, antiquarian bookselling, and the book and graphic arts. Fellowship awards may be used to pay for travel, housing, and other expenses. A research stay of two weeks is desired, and Helfand Fellows are expected to present the results of their research in a public lecture at the Grolier Club, or in an article submitted to the Club’s journal, The Gazette of the Grolier Club.


Members of the Grolier Club are not eligible, nor are students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs, but all other interested persons are encouraged to apply. There is no application form. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and a proposal, not to exceed 750 words, stating necessary length of residence, historical materials to be used, relevance of the Grolier Club Library collections to the project, a proposed budget, and two letters of recommendation. More information on the Library and its holdings can be found at, under “Library” in the navigation menu.

The deadline for applications and letters of support is December 29, 2023, and announcement of awards will be made by mid-February, 2024. Research terms can take place any time in the calendar year of 2024, but please note that the Club is closed, and library access is not offered, during the month of August.

Applications should be emailed to Grolier Club Director Eric Holzenberg:

Specific questions about Grolier Club library collections may be addressed to Grolier Club Librarian, Jamie Cumby,
A list of past Helfand Fellows is available at

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