Call for Papers: Leeds IMC 2024, 1-4 July 2024

The Experience of Local Officialdom in Europe and the Mediterranean, c.1000-1500: Between Order and Disorder

Local officeholders and petty officials were integral components of medieval political life across Europe and the Mediterranean, central to the configuration and experience of power but whose presence and absence could also signify crisis and confusion. Modern scholarship and medieval sources alike have acknowledged that local officers could just as easily be sources of disorder as order, generators of crisis as well as crisis managers. This strand builds on such insights to consider local officers in relation to order and disorder within their immediate local and broader sociopolitical contexts. Our approach is broad, encompassing a variety of officers—civic, royal, ecclesiastical, seigneurial, etc.—as well as challenges to the notion of ‘officialdom’. It proposes a social and experiential history which highlights the roles, profiles, and possibilities of a range of officers in their individual as well as institutional and social contexts, by considering how they supported or challenged models of political and social order prevalent in their communities or promulgated by their superiors.

Proposals of around 250 words including a brief biography, full contact information, academic affiliation, and an indication of whether you would be participating virtually or in-person should be sent to Charlie Steinman at and Nathan Meades at by Friday 8th September 2023.

Proposals might like to consider but are not limited to:

– Questions of justice, jurisdiction, authority
– Formulations and conceptions of office and officialdom, both theoretical and practical
– Prosopographical and biographical studies of local officers
– Accountability, both financial and in the sense of holding officers to account
– Relations between officers and local communities, including reactions, resistance and dissent
– Officers in explicit crisis situations (political, economic, social)
– Notions of corruption, morality and the ethics of officeholding
– Officers as mediators or brokers between ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’

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2024 Franklin Research Grant program

The American Philosophical Society’s Franklin Research Grants support the cost of research leading to publication in all areas of knowledge. The Franklin program is particularly designed to help meet the costs of travel to libraries and archives for research purposes; the purchase of microfilm, photocopies, or equivalent research materials; the costs associated with fieldwork; or laboratory research expenses. The Society is particularly interested in supporting the work of young scholars who have recently received the Ph.D.

Deadlines: October 2, 2023, and December 1, 2023

Award: up to $6,000

Contact: Linda Musumeci, Director of Grants and Fellowships, American Philosophical Society, 104 S. 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106


Phone: (215) 440-3429

Web: (for information and access to application portal)

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MAA Advocacy Statement on West Virginia University and New College, Florida

We, the Advocacy Committee of the Medieval Academy of America, denounce the growing tide of political interference witnessed at both West Virginia University and New College of Florida. Experience in higher education proves that limiting students’ options saps intellectual development and undermines the professionalization of graduates who are expected to participate in multicultural communities.

Concerning West Virginia University, we are alarmed by the decision in August 2023 to eliminate 169 faculty positions and 30 degree programs, many of these focused on foreign languages and literatures, and the arts. All 24 positions in the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics will be cut, and with that comes a profound loss for students. According to WVU’s core curricula, we can “appreciate our global society when we consider other ways of life, experiences, means of expression, histories, and modes of being.” Moreover, WVU’s own mission statement extols a “diverse and inclusive culture that advances education.”

As a harbinger of things to come, the evisceration of higher education has already been accomplished at New College of Florida, where six new highly partisan trustees, appointed under Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, have launched an attack. The effects have not been limited to higher education, as evinced by the multitudes of marginalized people fleeing from or threatened by this reactionary legislation and the cultural consequences.

As medievalists, who have studied and thus witnessed the longstanding consequences of censorship, we know that these decisions will only harm the students of these institutions and the citizens of these states.

We recommend administrators and educators put real action and resources behind their commitments to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, and we stand in solidarity with our colleagues at WVU and New College of Florida, and with students, staff, and faculty who suffer similar hardships at other institutions.

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Call for Papers – The Painted Page: Medieval Manuscripts Through a Comparative Lens

The Painted Page: Medieval Manuscripts Through a Comparative Lens
(chair: Dr. Ann Shafer, Providence College, Rhode Island)

This virtual session examines premodern illuminated books from the sacred traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam within a larger context of visual influences from other media across space and time. Often individually studied in a vacuum with very specific aims, these books have nevertheless belonged to fluid and far-reaching communities of makers and readers whose physical and spiritual needs have varied over time and space. This session asks simple comparative questions. For example, how old is the practice of illuminating text, and what can ancient stone carvings – from Guatemala to Assyria – tell us about the role of imagery in the Medieval book? What do ink makers in Japan have to teach us about the devotional aspect of European scribal practices through time? How can contemporary artists in the Middle East show us subtle social and political relationships between the texts and the communities that produced them? Possible research questions in this space of free inquiry are endless and might dovetail with issues of materials and techniques of production, communal practices of learning and exchange, and the ontological nature of the sacred word. With the aim of bringing together scholars from different fields, we hope to gain new perspectives on familiar texts and broaden the scope of manuscript studies.

Papers that compare across cultures are especially welcome.

To submit a 250-word CFP before the August 31st deadline:

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Call for Papers – Teaching the Middle Ages and Renaissance to STEM Students: A Digital Symposium

We’re pleased to announce “Teaching the Middle Ages and Renaissance to STEM Students” digital symposium hosted by the Georgia Institute of Technology‘s Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, together with the Studies in Medieval Renaissance Teaching (SMART) December 4, 2023. The symposium will be held entirely on Zoom and brings together colleagues with professional experience at teaching medieval and Renaissance subject matter to student audiences mostly or entirely consisting of STEM majors.

“Teaching the Middle Ages and Renaissance to STEM Students” invites proposals for 15-minute presentations that explore teaching medieval and Renaissance subject matter to student audiences mostly or entirely consisting of STEM majors. The increasing importance of the sciences and technology at institutions of higher learning suggests that medievalists and Renaissance scholars also have an increased need to understand how we should respond to student audiences whose focus lies outside the humanities and social sciences. Are STEM students’ horizons of expectation and interest substantially different from those in art, history, literary studies, music, religion, philosophy, or sociology? Do these audiences (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, medicine) and their environments (labs, future- and progress-orientedness, linkages to industry, profession-ready education) demand that we adjust our themes, philosophies, and methodological approaches? How is the instruction of medieval and Renaissance subject matter structurally integrated for these audiences and environments?

How to participate

Please send proposals of c. 350 words, in an MS Word file attached to your email, to Lainie Pomerleau ( and Richard Utz ( by October 1, 2023. Please also indicate if you plan on submitting an essay version of your presentation for consideration for publicationPresentations will be delivered via Zoom and should be non longer than  15 minutes (approximately 6 to 8 double-spaced pages).

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Call for Papers – Re-Creating Camelot? Community-Building in Arthurian Studies (A Roundtable) (virtual)

Re-Creating Camelot? Community-Building in Arthurian Studies (A Roundtable) (virtual)

Sponsored by Alliance for the Promotion of Research on the Matter of Britain and International Arthurian Society, North American Branch (IAS/NAB)

Organizers: Michael A. Torregrossa and Joseph M. Sullivan

Call for Papers – Please Submit Proposals by 15 September 2023
59th International Congress on Medieval Studies
Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, Michigan)
Hybrid event: Thursday, 9 May, through Saturday, 11 May, 2024

See the shared Google Doc for the full call with a list of suggested resources on the topic:

Panel Objective

Re-Creating Camelot? Community-Building in Arthurian Studies (A Roundtable) (virtual)

Building off our sponsored session idea on Creating Camelot(s): The Idea of Community in Arthurian Texts, we’d like, also, this year at Kalamazoo to highlight in a roundtable format the ways that Arthurian enthusiasts and scholars have come together over the ages outside of fiction and strived to establish aspects of Camelot as reality in our/their world.

Questions to guide our conversations include:

  • How have the Arthurian legends influenced and inspired the formation of groups seeking to continue the work of the fellowship of the Round Table and/or help us to promote the Matter of Britain?
  • How—both in positive and negative ways—has the Matter of Britain been adapted, appropriated, compressed, expanded, and/or transformed by these new communities?
  • Ultimately, how have these communities succeeded in reviving the legends? In what ways could they do/have done better?

Presentations could focus on historic events and/or groups as well as current academic activities, organizations, and publications.

Some possible examples:

  • Brands/companies (King Arthur Flour)
  • Classroom activities
  • Collection development (Bangor, Newberry Library, Rochester)
  • Fandoms (Merlin tv series)
  • Fanfiction communities (Merlin tv series)
  • Gaming/roleplaying communities
  • Labor organizations
  • Online communities (ArthurNet)
  • Organizations (International Arthurian Society, IAS regional branches, MLA’s Arthurian Discussion Group, PCA’s Arthurian Legends Area)
  • Outreach pursuits (conferences, symposia)
  • Propaganda (medieval and/or post-medieval)
  • Scholarly endeavors (Arthurian Literature, Arthuriana, Avalon to Camelot, book series, The Camelot Project, collections, special editions, special issues, sub-fields of Arthurian Studies)
  • Wiki/Wikia building
  • Youth groups

Please see the shared Google Doc for the full call with a list of suggested resources for examples of previous scholarship on our theme:

Submission Information

All proposals must be submitted into the Confex system at by 15 September 2023. You will be prompted to complete sections on Title and Presentation Information, People, Abstract, and Short Description.

Be advised of the following policies of the Congress: “You are invited to make one paper proposal to one session of papers. This may be to one of the Sponsored or Special Sessions of Papers, which are organized by colleagues around the world, OR to the General Sessions of Papers, which are organized by the Program Committee in Kalamazoo. You may propose an unlimited number of roundtable contributions. However, you will not be scheduled as an active participant (as a paper presenter, roundtable discussant, presider, respondent, workshop leader, or performer) in more than three sessions.”

Thank you for your interest in our session. Please address questions and/or concerns to the organizers at

For more information on the  Alliance for the Promotion of Research on the Matter of Britain, please visit our website at

For more information on the International Arthurian Society, North American Branch (IAS/NAB), please visit our website at and consider becoming a member of our organization.

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Call for Submissions – CARA-Sponsored Sessions at the 2024 International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo)

The Medieval Academy of America’s Committee on Centers and Regional Associations (CARA) welcomes proposals for three sponsored sessions at next year’s ICMS, which will take place from 9-11 May 2024 on the campus of Western Michigan University. Proposals should be submitted through the ICMS’s Confex portal ( no later than 15 September 2023. If you have any questions, please contact CARA’s Director of Conference Programs, Prof. Kisha Tracy (

What’s in a Name? Advantages and Challenges of the “Medieval” Today (Session)

The word “medieval” has a variety of meanings and implications across academic and popular discourse. Does describing your work as “medieval” help or hinder you in appealing to students, engaging with colleagues, or gaining institutional support for your work? What are the implications of interpreting non-European communities as “medieval” (as “global medieval studies” implies)? If terms like “medieval” and “medieval studies” are problematic, then what alternatives might there be–and what shortcomings might they present? This session invites scholars engaging with these questions to explore how we define ourselves and our field, and discuss the value as well as the difficulties posed by terms like “medieval” today.

Building and Growing Medieval Studies: Creating Communities of Passion Beyond the Classroom (Roundtable)

During the COVID pandemic, Medieval Studies outreach and engagement became more difficult. Those challenges, however, also encouraged new efforts to inspire passion for the Middle Ages among a broader community, spearheaded by academic associations and institutes, student organizations, K-12 teachers, libraries, and museums. This roundtable invites contributors to share outreach initiatives that have worked as well as ones that didn’t connect and their advice for others who want to create interest in and excitement about medieval objects, stories, and subjects in their own communities.

Co-sponsored with the Teaching Association for Medieval Studies (TEAMS)
So, What Are You Gonna Do with That? Prospects and Possibilities for the Graduate Medievalist (Roundtable)

As the academic job market tightens and the definition of “academia” itself evolves, those pursuing and holding graduate degrees in medieval fields increasingly ask “what will I do with this?” We invite roundtable contributors to share their stories of graduate work on the Middle Ages, perspectives on how that graduate training continues to shape them, the career paths to which it has led, and how they continue defining themselves as “medievalists,” highlighting the diversity and importance of all medievalists and the critical need for collegiality and inclusion to sustain Medieval Studies as a thriving field in the coming decades.

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Call for Papers – Texas Medieval Association

Texas Medieval Association
33rd Annual Conference
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, Texas

The thirty-third state meeting of the Texas Medieval Association will take place at Southern Methodist University on Saturday, September 23, 2023 from 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Those wishing to present a paper or participate in a “Roundup” for this conference should submit a summary of no longer than 100 words by September 4, 2023 to TEMA President  Bonnie Wheeler ( or TEMA Secretary/Treasurer Don Kagay (

Major Strand for 2023: FAME AND INFAMY in the Middle Ages
Keynote Speaker, Irina Dumitrescu, University of Bonn
“Medieval Divas: The Medieval Prehistory of Celebrity”

WE ARE BACK. This is an entirely in-person conference. Please remember that no paper can be offered unless the author is present. When you submit your topic, please note whether you require any electronic aids.

Perhaps the most distinctive part of TEMA’s history has been its continuous focus on the medieval interplay of the American Southwest and medieval Europe. We urge you to present on some related comparative topic.

Panel Structure

Roundups vs. Sessions

This conference at will feature two distinct types of panels. See conference website:

The Roundup, named in honor of our Texas heritage, functions like a workshop where presenters, led by a chair, examine the state of a particular question in specific areas of medieval studies [New views of medieval Spain; new work in gender or race studies; new thinking about celebrity in the Middle Ages, etc.] . Roundup Presenters should prepare a succinct thesis, spoken in no more than 5 minutes. These will be grouped to promote maximum interchange. These panels will give participants a chance to collaborate in a manner not typically associated with conference papers. Presenters must each submit abstracts to TEMA.

The sessions will be traditional conference panels. Presenters should prepare formal papers of about 15 minutes duration for the panel. We are happy to have self-selected organizers gather 3 presenters for a special session (alert us first). Do not exceed your allotted 15-minue slot. Conference chairs will be outfitted with lassoes to rein you in. Nolite vexare Texam.

We will have two rounds of Roundups and two rounds of sessions, thus ensuring that those wishing to pursue either type of conference activity have sufficient opportunity to do so.

FEES:  We are holding costs to a bare minimum. All our sessions will be held in Dallas Hall, SMU. All attendees must be members of TEMA ($10 per year). Otherwise, students and Independent Scholars who are presenters receive free coverage for conference, break treats, and lunch. Dinner separate. Faculty presenters will be charged $20 TEMA membership, break treats, and lunch. Dinner separate.

We are heavily subsidizing dinner/drinks costs but everyone must pay a small minimum. Dinner costs at the terrific SI TAPAS restaurant (2207 Allen St, Dallas 75204) for food and drinks are $20 per student, $25 per faculty. SI TAPAS provides fully vegetarian meals for those who specify. All fees including dinner costs must be submitted with your registration. The conference hotel, the BEEMAN HOTEL (6070 N US 75, North Central Expressway 100), is across Central Expressway, a short walk to campus. They are holding rooms for us—King and Queen-Queen rooms—but you must book by September 4 to take advantage of the favorable group rate ($149/night). Book here.

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MAA News – Fellows Research Awards

We are very pleased to announce the inaugural Fellows Research Awards. Supported entirely by donations from the Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America, the Fellows Fund will support two annual awards for members of the Medieval Academy who do not have access to research funding. Two awards of $5,000 will be granted annually to Ph.D. candidates and/or non-tenure-track scholars to support research in medieval studies. The awards will help fund travel and/or access expenses to consult original sources, archives, manuscripts, works of art, or monuments in situ. Applicants must be members of the Medieval Academy of America by Sept. 15 of the year in which they apply.

To apply for a Fellows Research Award, submit the application form and attachment by October 1, 2023. Awards will be announced at the 2024 Medieval Academy annual meeting. Click here for more information and to apply.

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MAA News – Upcoming Deadlines

The Medieval Academy of America invites applications for the following grants. Please note that applicants must be members in good standing as of September 15 in order to be eligible for Medieval Academy awards.

Schallek Fellowship
The Schallek Fellowship provides a one-year grant of $30,000 to support Ph.D. dissertation research in any relevant discipline dealing with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350-1500). (Deadline 15 October 2023)

Travel Grants
The Medieval Academy provides travel grants to help Academy members who hold doctorates but are not in full-time faculty positions, or are contingent faculty without access to institutional funding, attend conferences to present their work. (Deadline 1 November 2023 for meetings to be held between 16 February and 31 August 2024)

MAA/CARA Conference Grant
The MAA/CARA Conference Grant for Regional Associations and Programs awards $1,000 to help support a regional or consortial conference taking place in 2024. (Deadline 15 October 2023)

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