MAA News – Upcoming Grant Deadlines

The Medieval Academy of America invites applications for the following grants. Please note that applicants must be members in good standing in order to be eligible for Medieval Academy awards.

Belle Da Costa Greene Award

The Belle Da Costa Greene Award of $2,000 will be granted annually to a medievalist of color for research and travel. The award may be used to visit archives, attend conferences, or to facilitate writing and research. The award will be granted on the basis of the quality of the proposed project, the applicant’s budgetary needs (as expressed by a submitted budget and in the project narrative), and the estimation of the ways in which the award will facilitate the applicant’s research and contribute to the field. Special consideration will be given to graduate students, emerging junior scholars, adjunct, and unaffiliated scholars. Click here for more information. (Deadline 15 February 2025)

Olivia Remie Constable Award

Four Olivia Remie Constable Awards of $1,500 each will be granted to emerging junior faculty, adjunct or unaffiliated scholars (broadly understood: post-doctoral, pre-tenure) for research and travel. Click here for more information. (Deadline 15 February 2025)

MAA Dissertation Grants:

The nine annual Medieval Academy Dissertation Grants support advanced graduate students who are writing Ph.D. dissertations on medieval topics. The $2,000 grants help defray research expenses. Click here for more information. (Deadline 15 February 2025)

Schallek Awards

The five annual Schallek awards support graduate students conducting doctoral research in any relevant discipline dealing with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350-1500). The $5,000 awards help defray research expenses. Click here for more information. (Deadline 15 February 2025)

MAA/GSC Grant for Innovation in Community-Building and Professionalization

The MAA/GSC Grant(s) will be awarded to an individual or graduate student group from one or more universities. The purpose of this grant is to stimulate new and innovative efforts that support pre-professionalization, encourage communication and collaboration across diverse groups of graduate students, and build communities amongst graduate student medievalists. Click here for more information. (Deadline 15 February 2025)

Please contact the Executive Director for more information about these and other MAA programs.

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MAA News – Upcoming Webinars

Writing Against the Clock: Finding Joy in our Writing Practice (Pt 1)
February 10th at 2PM EST

With this webinar and companion workshop, the GSC aims to get our graduate student community writing frequently and efficiently, while prioritizing the fun of this craft. Between other responsibilities teaching, service, and personal and professional obligations, many of our fellow graduate students do not find “enough” time to write. How can we make the most of the time that we do have to do this important work and do it well? How can we overcome the obstacles to writing that come with writing in the real world? How do some academics strike the right balance and seem to write nonstop? Join the Graduate Student Committee of the MAA for a two part series on writing.

In part one of this event, our guest speakers — all prolific writers of academic books and articles as well as works of creative fiction — will share reflections on the writing process and answer your questions. Join us on February 10th at 2PM EST in conversation with Irina Dumitrescu (Universität Bonn), Bruce Holsinger (University of Virginia), Julia Istomnia (Yale University), and Helen Sword (University of Auckland).

Click here to register.


Writing Against the Clock: Finding Joy in our Writing Practice (Part 2)
February 18th, 2pm-3:30pm EST

We’ll put the advice of our experts into practice at collective writing hour, on February 18th at 2pm-3:30pm EST guided by Camila Marcone (Yale University, GSC). Come with a piece of writing to work on! We will log-in, set an intention, work on our own, and then debrief in small groups at the end.

Click here to register.

Doing Medieval Together: Building Community in Nontraditional Venues 

February 10th, 8pm EST on zoom

In this event, panelists will discuss various ways they are breaking down the walls between the academy and the community. From listening to and living in communities with Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners to engaging with the local medieval enthusiasts of Oklahoma, from pop culture conventions to K-12 classrooms, from digital resources to physical interactions, we will explore partnerships, public programming, and the ways we can all learn from each other.

Kisha Tracy, Fitchburg State University/CARA Executive Board Member
Reid Weber, Chair and Professor, Humanities and Philosophy, University of Central Oklahoma, Faculty Co-sponsor, UCO Medieval Society
Tory Schendel-Vyvoda, Curator, Evansville African American Museum, PhD student, IDSVA, Adjunct Instructor, University of Evansville, Director, Lamasco Microgallery
Karen Jolly, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Click here to register.

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MAA News – MAA Centennial Digital Humanities Showcase

As part of the celebrations for the MAA’s Centennial Year, the Digital Humanities and Multimedia Studies Committee and the Graduate Student Committee have partnered to organize a year-long series of webinars showcasing exciting DH projects. These will be held monthly, ordinarily on a Friday from 1-2pm ET. Each session will feature a moderated discussion of two recent/ongoing DH projects followed by an audience Q&A. Beyond highlighting a diverse array of new and exciting projects in Medieval Studies, this series will also serve as an opportunity to share ideas and best practices within the medieval DH community. Upcoming sessions include:

Friday, February 21: Book of Fortresses (dir. Edward Triplett); Digital Heritage Age (dir. Gary Dempsey)

(and mark your calendars for the subsequent sessions on April 21 and May 16, featuring next text-editing tools, visualizations of medieval women’s networks, and more!)

To register for this webinar series, please fill out the form by clicking here.

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MAA News – Good News From Our Members

On 23 January, Madeline Caviness was inducted into the French Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

Several MAA members have recently been awarded funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities:

Therese Cory (Univ. of Notre Dame): Aquinas’s Mind-in-World

Lucy Mookerjee (Johns Hopkins Univ.): The Forme of Cury: A New Critical Edition of a 14th-Century Cookbook

Nicholas Watson (Harvard Univ.): Balaam’s Ass: Vernacular Theology Before the English Reformation, Volume 2: French, 1100-1400, English 1250-1540

Congratulations! If you have good news to share, send it to Executive Director Lisa Fagin Davis.

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MAA News – 2026 MAA Annual Meeting: Call for Papers

2026 Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting:
Consortiums and Confluences

Call for Papers

The 101st annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America will take place on March 19–21, 2026 on the campuses of the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Amherst College, and will also include events at Mt. Holyoke College and Smith College. Hosted by the Five College Consortium, the theme of the meeting is “Consortiums and Confluences.” The program will bring together scholars from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds addressing the medieval world and critical topics in Medieval Studies. Our plenary lectures will be given by Elly Truitt (Associate Professor of History and Sociology of Science at the University of Pennsylvania), Peggy McCracken (Incoming President of the Medieval Academy of America and Professor of French, Women’s Studies, and Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan), and Jesús Rodríguez-Velasco (Augustus R. Street Professor of Spanish & Portuguese and Comparative Literature at Yale University). We are excited to welcome you to Amherst, MA, and its environs, and look forward to meeting you, learning from you, and celebrating our shared commitment to Medieval Studies.

Click here for more information and the full Call for Papers.

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Summer 2025 Course Applications Now Available

The Rare Book School summer 2025 course schedule features more than 40 classes, including online courses and in-person offerings at two new partner institutions: the University of Michigan and Oxford University’s Bodleian Library. For more in-depth course descriptions and past student feedback, visit our website:

For the best chance of being admitted, please submit your application(s) by the first-round deadline on 17 February. Applications received after that date will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all available seats have been filled, but many of the classes will fill in the first round of admissions decisions. Please visit our website to learn how to apply:

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Call for applications: Digital Medieval Studies Institute 2025!

The Standing Committee on Medieval Studies, Boston College’s McMullen Museum, Houghton Library, The Research Group on Manuscript Evidence, and Digital Medievalist are pleased to co-sponsor the third annual Digital Medieval Studies Institute (DMSI), which will take place in Cambridge and Boston, MA on 19 March 2025.

DMSI 2025 is a full-day program, featuring five workshops on digital scholarly methods specifically tailored for medievalists and pre-modernists meant to introduce participants to a range of digital methodologies currently in use within the field of medieval studies:

  • Rendering Spaces Virtually Using Photogrammetry (Rachel Chamberlain)
  • Rendering 3D Artifacts for Virtual Exhibits Using Photogrammetry (Antonio LoPiano)
  • Mapping Humanities: The Medieval Version (Kahil Sawan)
  • Networking Old English Charters Using Gephi (David Thomas)
  • Digitizing Manuscripts (Anthony Harris & Sara Powell) At Houghton Library

Application is open to all, with a limited number of bursaries available. A maximum of ten participants will be accepted into each workshop, which will be filled on a first-come, first-served rolling basis. The first round of applications are due by 30 January 2025, but applications will continue to be accepted until all workshop places are filled.

For more information and to apply, please visit If you have any questions, please contact organizers Laura K. Morreale or N. Kıvılcım Yavuz at

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Call for Papers – Shifting Fortunes in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Shifting Fortunes in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Edinburgh’s Centre for Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies (CLAIBS) is pleased to announce the call for papers for the 6th International Graduate Conference in Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies, to take place on 22nd-23rd April, 2025, at the University of Edinburgh. We invite papers which approach the theme of ‘shifting fortunes’ in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, from a global perspective.

The fortunes of individuals, communities and states in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages were far from fixed certainties, and whilst any number of sudden crises and exigencies could bring fortunes crashing down, there was also ample opportunity for them to be built up, transformed, and consolidated. Therefore, securing one’s fortunes, be they political, economic or spiritual, was of paramount importance to all members of late antique and medieval societies. Whether in the imperial cities of Constantinople and Rome, the caliphal courts of Baghdad, Cordoba and Cairo, or in the courts of Paris and Léon, decisions were made, edicts and chrysobulls were issued, taxes were raised, theologies were disputed, and wars were waged, all in the name of securing the good fortune of ruling interests. Beyond the actions of caliphs, emperors and kings, one is greeted by an assortment of ways in which individuals and communities sought to enhance their own fortunes, be it through pious dedications, participation in religious ritual, production or patronage of literature, economic activities or acts of rebellion. On the other hand, a drop in fortunes could be heralded by environmental factors, such as plague, famine, drought, or through instances of external and internal conflict like invasion, civil war and fitnah.

This conference will focus on this theme of shifting fortunes and examine both the factors underpinning change, as well as the various processes and dynamics through which the creation, consolidation, and collapse of fortunes came to pass. For instance, how were fortunes negotiated and renegotiated across the period, and how far did this differ across the boundaries of social class, gender, religious identity and geography? Given the broad range of possible applications of ‘shifting fortunes’ as an avenue of historical inquiry, we encourage the submission of papers which broach a wide array of topics and adopt innovative methodological approaches in their case studies. Moreover, the scope of this conference shall go beyond Centre’s focus on Late Antiquity, Islamic and Byzantine Studies. As such, we shall also incorporate contributions from a global medieval perspective.

Keynote Speaker: Dr Krystina Kubina (Austrian Academy of Sciences) 

We particularly encourage contributions on the suggested topics below, however, papers which approach the theme of ‘shifting fortunes’ from other angles will also be considered:

Political perspectives – Administrative, legislative and judicial changes and policies brought about to bolster fortunes or as a response to a regression in fortunes. Political actions taken in the name of fortune, be they usurpations, rebellions, ceremonies and rituals, the production of propaganda, or political strategy and intrigue.

Economic perspectives – The extent to which fortunes were determined by economic, monetary and fiscal changes enacted by ruling systems. The influence of overland and maritime trade networks on the fortunes of states, communities and individuals. Economic actions of non-ruling classes.

Ecological perspectives – How did ecological changes, be they fortuitous or catastrophic, influence the fortunes of those affected, and how did individuals, communities and states respond to, negotiate, and mitigate these changes?

Resistance and upheaval – The reaction of communities to changes in their political and economic fortunes, their strategies of resistance (e.g. refusal to pay taxes, rebellion), and the ideological underpinnings of resistance.

Ideological perspectives – What role did ideologies fulfil in shaping the fortunes of its adherents, or of those subjected to the whims of its adherents? How did ‘official’ ideologies shape the socio-political landscape, and to what extent did ideological trends underpin complex processes of decision making, the pursuit of justice and the use of propaganda?  

Religious perspectives – The actions taken by states, communities and individuals to either consolidate and build upon their fortunes, be that through the consolidation of their religious identity, or as a response to challenges against it. The processes of negotiation and mediation through which individuals and communities secured their spiritual fortunes, be it dedications, donations or participation in ritual. Inter-faith and cross-confessional dialogues and interactions, divergences from orthodox religious praxis, and the interrelationships of religious hierarchy.

A view from below – What of those individuals and communities traditionally left in the dark by the aristocratic orientation of our literary sources? How far can ‘low register’ vernacular literature, archives, papyri, tax records and inquisition registers inform us of the fortunes and misfortunes of these groups, and the strategies of change available to them?

Aspects of patronage – Acts of patronage, in all their myriad forms, are attested across the breadth of Late Antique and medieval societies, regardless of the boundaries of gender and religious identity, social class or ethnic identity. What did patrons seek to gain through these financial investments, and how does this relate to personal and communal fortunes?

Literary perspectives – The production of literature represented a significant investment of resources, in terms of both the time and effort demanded by the writing of an original composition, as well as the financial investment of creating the physical text in manuscript form. Understanding the motivations behind such investments leaves us well-positioned to determine what truly mattered to these individuals. What, therefore, was to be gained from literary production? The bolstering of one’s economic, political or spiritual fortunes? The accruement of social legitimacy? The curation of one’s programme of self-representation?

The deadline for abstracts is the 28th of February and notification of acceptance will be confirmed by 7th March. Please submit your abstract of no more than 300 words, and a 100-word professional biography to We kindly welcome submissions from individuals or groups. Lunch will be provided on both days, and there will be a small registration fee of £20 for attendees. For speakers, we hope to waive this registration fee, but further information will be provided at a later date

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Medieval Academy of America 2025 – Call for Volunteers

Medieval Academy of America 2025

We are seeking conference volunteers to help with setting up and putting on this landmark event!

Harvard University
March 20-22
Volunteers also needed March 16-19, 23

Why Volunteer for MAA?

Access to conference programming: Even if you’re not a medievalist, volunteers get to see the inner workings of a major academic conference, as well as attend sessions and events led by leading scholars.

Waived Registration Fees: Experience the conference for free!

Flexible Hours: You do not need to volunteer for the entire conference. Sign up for whatever shifts work best for you.

Food provided: Free lunch on days volunteered and a catered thank-you lunch for volunteers on Sunday, March 23.

Fill out this preliminary form: Volunteer information form.
If you have any questions, please contact:

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Jobs For Medievalists

Special Collections Curator
John J. Burns Library
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA

Boston College Libraries seeks a Special Collections Curator to develop collections of rare and unique materials centered on people and ideas that have contributed to the shaping of global cultures and societies, especially those pertaining to Boston College’s distinctive Jesuit, Catholic intellectual and spiritual heritage and its historical origins serving immigrant communities, particularly those of Irish descent.

Reporting to and working in close collaboration with the Associate University Librarian for Scholarly Resources and Burns Librarian, the Curator will acquire materials for the John J. Burns Library of rare books, special collections, and archives. The Curator will strategize with fellow BC Libraries’ staff and faculty members on collecting opportunities to support both traditional and emerging areas of teaching, learning, and research, and help to formulate and communicate collecting priorities and successes.

The Curator will cultivate and steward relationships with current and prospective donors and collectors, members of the rare book and manuscript trade, and professional and scholarly communities. The Curator will also contribute to the interpretation and promotion of Burns Library collections through the organization of programs and events, and through presentations, talks, and publications. The Curator may also be asked to assist with the creation of physical and online exhibits, facilitation of instructional sessions, and responses to reference questions. In addition, the Curator may also be invited to collaborate in enhancing the discoverability and utility of Burns Library collections through digital scholarship and selection of materials for digitization.

The Curator conducts research on potential acquisitions to assess their significance and relevance to Burns Library’s collecting aims and negotiate favorable terms for their acquisition. The Curator understands and applies evolving legal and ethical considerations for provenance, intellectual property rights, and privacy. The Curator upholds professional standards, engaging responsibly and imaginatively with the complex tasks of building primary source collections. Depending on the incumbent’s linguistic skills, disciplinary knowledge, and evolving BC Libraries’ needs, the Curator may also be offered opportunities to contribute to the development of the Libraries’ general collections in coordination with subject liaison librarians.

  • Master’s degree in library or information science, or an advanced degree in an academic discipline related to Burns Library collections.
  • A minimum of two years of experience working with rare books, manuscripts, or archives.
  • Reading knowledge of Latin, Greek, Irish, or modern European languages desirable.


Title and salary commensurate with relevant experience based on the following titles and hiring ranges:

  • Senior Special Collections Curator: $74,000- $92,500 – Requires five (5) years of Librarian experience
  • Special Collections Curator: $67,100 -$83,900 – Requires two (2) years of Librarian experience
  • Associate  Special Collections Curator: $60,700- $75,850 – Requires three (3) years of non-exempt library experience or one (1) year of Librarian experience


For application information, please visit:
This position will remain opened until filled, with priority consideration given to applications received by February 17, 2025.

Background and Benefits:
Founded in 1863, Boston College is a Jesuit, Catholic university located six miles from downtown Boston with an enrollment of 9,484 full-time undergraduates and 5,250 graduate and professional students.  Ranked 35 among national universities, Boston College has 888 full-time and 1,281 FTE faculty, 2,711 non-faculty employees, an operating budget of $1.4 billion, and an endowment in excess of $3.5 billion.

Boston College offers a broad and competitive range of benefits depending on your job classification eligibility:

  • Tuition remission for Employees
  • Tuition remission for Spouses and Children who meet eligibility requirements
  • Generous Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance
  • Low-Cost Life Insurance
  • Eligibility for both University-Funded 401k and Employer-Sponsored 403b Retirement Plans
  • Paid Holidays Annually
  • Generous Sick and Vacation Pay
  • Additional benefits can be found on
  • Boston College conducts pre-employment background checks as part of the hiring process.

Boston College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. In concert with our Jesuit, Catholic mission, Boston College is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse and pluralistic faculty and staff committed to teaching and working in a multicultural environment and strongly encourages applications for women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and covered veterans. To learn more about how BC supports diversity and inclusion throughout the university please visit the Office for Institutional Diversity at

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