MAA Graduate Student Committee Webinar – Medievalists Beyond the Academy

MAA Graduate Student Committee Webinar:
Medievalists Beyond the Academy

Join the MAA Graduate Student Committee on March 29th, 2023 at 7 pm EST for a panel on employment for medievalists outside of what we traditionally envision as the “academy” (university-based research and teaching). From grant writing and archival management to secondary education and academic publishing, our participants represent a wide range of experience levels and professional opportunities. In this conversation moderated by GSC members Kersti Francis and Will Beattie, panelists will share their pathways from their PhD to their current position, followed by a live Q and A with questions submitted by our audience. We hope you can join us!

Panelists include:

Dr. Joaneath Spicer, James A. Murnaghan Curator of European Art 1400-1700 at the Walters Art Museum
Dr. Lucy Hinnie, Wikimedian-in-Residence at the British Library
Dr. Kacie Morgan, Grants Manager at HealthRIGHT360
Dr. Rebecca Straple-Sovers, Marketing Specialist at Medieval Institute Publications

Click here to register.

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Medieval Religion: its topicality, methods and sources

Medieval Religion: its topicality, methods and sources
Summer School June June 22nd-June 27th
(Thursday-Saturday; Monday-Tuesday)


In society today, medieval religion is omnipresent. This is not only true in European city- and village-scapes, where medieval churches are still dominant features, but also in popular media such as games and television as well as in politics, where the Middle Ages are invoked either as the epitome of backwardness and cruelty, or as the golden age of white supremacy, true spirituality, and selfless heroism (to name but a few of the widely diverse images that the phrase ‘Middle Ages’ gives rise to). In the summer school students will be challenged by specialists in the field of medieval religion to position and develop their own research in relevant scholarly and cultural contexts. The instructors will give masterclasses from their own specialties (e.g. intellectual history, heretical and reform movements, interreligious relations, liturgy, gender and diversity). Groningen is an eminent place for a school on medieval religion, not only because of the unique expertise of the staff, added to with lecturers from the USA (funded by Fulbright) and Nijmegen, but also because its land- and cityscapes offer a clear example of the presence of the Middle Ages.

The school will be offered on site and hybridly.

Learning aims:

After this summer school:

  • Students can situate medievalist research, especially their own, in current scholarly, societal and cultural debates.
  • Students can critically reflect on the uses of contemporary theories of religion to the study of the Middle Ages and, if helpful, apply these creatively in their medievalist research.
  • Students can critically reflect on the contemporary relevance and topicality of medieval studies.
  • At an advanced level, students get to be trained in the setting up of medievalist research projects and the study of sources, with an eye to publication and acquiring funding.
  • Students can assess sources and literature in the interest of their own projects as shown in a presentation and a reflection paper.

Target groups:

  • Graduate Students .e.g. Master and Research Master students
  • Postgraduate students e.g. PhD students and postdocs.



  • Participation
  • Presentation on the last day on how to use the material of the summer school in one’s research
  • Reflection paper on how to use the material of the summer school in one’s research. 1500 words max.

Academic coordinator:

Dr. Mathilde van Dijk, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, Oude Boteringestraat 38, 9712 GK Groningen,

Register at:

Medieval Religion | University of Groningen Summer Schools ( April 1st at the latest; confirmation of your acceptance will follow before April 15th.

Image: Our Sweet Lady Star of the sea  in Maastricht, 15th century statue, still a major target for pilgrimage today, source Maria – Gereformeerde Kerk PKN Lunteren (

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MAA News – From the Executive Director: 2023 Annual Meeting

Publication Prizewinners with President Maureen Miller

What a joy it was to gather in Washington, DC last week with more than 500 friends and colleagues! This year’s Annual Meeting was remarkable in so many ways: the number of attendees, the breadth of programming, the demographic and professional diversity of the presenters, and the noteworthy field trips to DC-area collections. The gathering included visits to Dumbarton Oaks and the Textile Museum, a textile workshop at The Avenir Center, the inaugural day-long Digital Medieval Studies Institute, and sessions at the National Gallery of Art (“Curating Global Medieval Art”) and the Library of Congress (“Fragmentology”). The closing reception was a jubilant gathering at the National Museum of Asian Art, with curators on hand to answer questions and guide us through the galleries.

The plenaries all engaged, in various ways, with issues of indigeneity and cross-cultural contact, beginning with Kiros A.B. Auld’s Land Acknowledgement that took us beyond platitudes and towards action (click here to learn more about the Indigenous Lands Project). The Land Acknowledgement can be found in the online program. President Maureen Miller’s plenary will be published in the July 2023 issue of Speculum.

Newly-inducted Fellows of the MAA with the Fellows Officers

I want to take this opportunity to thank Program Committee Chairs Jennifer Davis and Laura Morreale for their work organizing and implementing this very complex meeting, along with the Program Committee, the team of volunteers (led by Lilla Kopár, Sam Collins, and the MAA’s own Christopher Cole) and the many DC-area institutions and departments who supported this event. I would also like to thank Maureen Miller for her service as President and welcome incoming President Robin Fleming.

We look forward to seeing you at the University of Notre Dame in 2024 for the 99th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America!

Lisa Fagin Davis, Executive Director

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MAA News – 2024 Annual Meeting Call for Papers

99th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America
University of Notre Dame
14-16 March 2024

The 99th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America will take place on the campus of the University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana). The meeting is hosted by The Medieval Institute, St. Mary’s College, Holy Cross College, and Indiana University, South Bend.

The Program Committee invites proposals for papers on all topics and in all disciplines and periods of medieval studies. Any member of the Medieval Academy may submit a paper proposal; others may submit proposals as well but must become members in order to present papers at the meeting. Special consideration can be given to individuals whose specialty would not normally involve membership in the Medieval Academy.

Conference themes include Mapping the Middle Ages; Bodies in Motion; and Communities of Knowledge. In addition, we welcome innovative proposals that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries or that use various disciplinary approaches to examine an individual topic. We encourage papers on Asia, Africa, the Middle East, or Eastern Europe and the networks and exchanges between East and West.

See this page for more information and the full Call for Papers:

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MAA News – Fellows Research Awards

We are very pleased to announce the inaugural Fellows Research Awards. Supported entirely by donations from the Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America, the Fellows Fund will support two annual awards for members of the Medieval Academy who do not have access to research funding. Two awards of $5,000 will be granted annually to Ph.D. candidates and/or non-tenure-track scholars to support research in medieval studies. The awards will help fund travel and/or access expenses to consult original sources, archives, manuscripts, works of art, or monuments in situ. Applicants must be members of the Medieval Academy of America by Sept. 15 of the year in which they apply.

To apply for a Fellows Research Award, submit the application form and attachment by October 1, 2023. Awards will be announced at the 2024 Medieval Academy annual meeting. Click here for more information and to apply.

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MAA News – CARA Summer Tuition Scholarships

The MAA/CARA Summer Scholarships support graduate students and especially promising undergraduate students participating in summer courses in medieval languages or manuscript studies. Applicants must be members of the Medieval Academy in good standing with at least one year of graduate school remaining and must demonstrate both the importance of the summer course to their program of study and their home institution’s inability to offer analogous coursework. Click here for more information.

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MAA News – The Medieval Academy Book Subvention Program

The Medieval Academy Book Subvention Program provides grants of up to $2,500 to university or other non-profit scholarly presses to support the publication of first books by Medieval Academy members. Click here for more information.

The Medieval Academy Inclusivity and Diversity Book Subvention Program provides subventions of up to $5000 to university or other non-profit scholarly presses to support the publication of books that contribute to diversity and inclusion in the field of Medieval Studies (broadly conceived) by Medieval Academy members. Click here for more information.

Applications for subventions will be accepted only from the publisher and only for books that have already been approved for publication. Eligible Academy members who wish to have their books considered for a subvention should ask their publishers to apply directly to the Academy, following the guidelines outlined on the relevant webpage. The deadline for proposals is 1 May 2023.

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MAA News – Race and Gender Working Group

The next online meeting of the MAA’s Race and Gender Working Group will take place on March 24 from noon – 1:30pm EST. Roland Betancourt (Professor of Art History, University of California, Irvine) will speak on “The Case of Manuel I Komnenos: Articulating Identity through Gender, Sexuality, and Racialization.” Dr. Heather Badamo, University of California, Santa Barbara will be the respondent. Click here for more information and to register.

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MAA News – Disability Studies Webinar

Join us on Wednesday, April 12, 3:00 to 4:30 pm for Medieval Crip Theory: New Approaches and Provocations, sponsored by the MAA’s Inclusivity and Diversity Committee.

This Webinar will explore and present new research on disability studies and the Middle Ages. The speakers are:

Richard H. Godden (Louisiana State University), “Cripping Langland’s Will”

Leah Parker (University of Southern Mississippi), “Eschatologies of Disability / Crip Eschatologies”

Tory V. Pearman (Miami University), “Cripping Time in Chaucer’s Pardoner’s Tale

The webinar will be moderated by Heide Estes (Monmouth University) and Nahir Otaño-Gracia (University of New Mexico). The three papers will be followed by questions and discussion. Click here for more information and to register.

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MAA News – Call for Proposals – Speculations: The Centennial Issue of Speculum

The Centennial Issue of Speculum
January 2026

The centenary of a scholarly journal offers the opportunity to recognize, reflect on, and reimagine scholarly methods and objects, including canonicity and the discursive possibilities of scholarship; the boundaries, borders and spaces that define our disciplines; the genres and taxonomies that shape our work.

To mark the 100th anniversary of Speculum, we aim to commemorate the journal by raising questions about the methods and parameters of our study in a prospective rather than retrospective manner. What might the future of medieval studies look like? What might the place of this journal in that future be? The volume focuses on the future of the journal and the field it helps to define by inviting a wide breadth of scholarship that can collectively speculate about how we can take medieval studies into the future. But of course those living in the medieval world broadly considered speculated on their future as well. How was the future conceived in the past and what might those past reflections about the future, and about the condition of futurity generally, have to teach us as we consider recent shifts in our field and a shifting institutional context.

The format of the centennial volume will model the kind of contributions we seek: instead of 4-5 long form articles, we plan to publish 50 short essays (of approximately 3000 words each) in an attempt to represent a broader range of voices, perspectives, methodologies, and areas of study. We welcome traditional essays as well as innovative forms of research and reflection (pedagogical speculations, creative or dialogic writing, speculative history, etc.).

We invite contributions that speculate on the past and future of scholarly work in medieval studies. We particularly welcome essays that address gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and that use comparative and interdisciplinary methods and that address at least one of the following questions:

  • What kinds of methods and theoretical models shape our work and will orient us in the future?
  • How might we call on more inclusive and expansive understandings of the Middle Ages in light of the global turn and critical reappraisals of periodization.
  • What histories do we examine, what histories do we obscure, and what criteria will most productively guide our examination of histories in the future?
  • How have scholarly understandings of medieval historicity and temporality shaped the parameters of our inquiry, and how might we critically engage these accounts?

Proposals of 300 words should be sent to by December 1, 2023.

Speculations editorial collective
Mohamad Ballan
Peggy McCracken
Cecily Hilsdale
Katherine Jansen
Sierra Lomuto
Cord J. Whitaker

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