SEMA prizes for teaching, first book, and scholarly achievement: Sept. 1 deadline coming up

Nominations for the awards  may be made by fellow members of SEMA in good standing, by colleagues, or by self-application.  The usual deadline of July 15 has been extended to September 1, but please note that Tom must have all supporting materials by that date. Winners will be announced at our fall conference during the Saturday business meeting.

Since 2007, SEMA has offered three annual awards for teaching excellence and scholarly achievement to recognize outstanding contributions to these fields by its members:

The Award for Teaching Excellence recognizes achievement in the teaching of medieval subjects in the past three years. Nominees will be asked to supply 1) a selection of student evaluations for three years; 2) letters of support from colleagues and/or deans or students; 3) a brief narrative de-scribing their teaching philosophy; 40) a list of courses taught in the medieval area for the past three years; and 5) a current curriculum vitae.

The Award for Best First Book is given for the best first book in a field of medieval scholarship. Members who have publisher their first book within the past five years are eligible. Nominees will be asked to submit 1) the book’s introduction and one or two additional chapters (as pdfs); and 2) at least two published reviews of the books (as pdfs).

The Award for Scholarly Achievement recognizes scholars with a substantial number of publications (articles and/or books) with at least one article appearing in Medieval Perspectives. Nominees should submit 1) letters of support from colleagues and/or deans and students; and 2) a current curriculum vitae.

Please send nominations to Tom Farrell, at

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