Viking and Medieval Norse Studies and Medieval Icelandic Studies

The University of Iceland is now accepting applications for Viking and Medieval Norse Studies and Medieval Icelandic Studies:

(1) Medieval Icelandic Studies is a three-semester (90 ECTS) graduate program, with two semesters’ (60 ECTS) worth of course work and one semester’s worth (30 ECTS) master’s thesis. The summer semester is the thesis semester, which means that the program can be completed in 12 months.


(2) Viking and Medieval Norse Studies is a four-semester (120 ECTS) graduate program run in cooperation with the University of Oslo in Norway, Aarhus University and Copenhagen University in Denmark. The first year–60 ECTS’ worth of course work–takes place in Iceland, but the third semester is spent either in Oslo, Aarhus, or Copenhagen, completing 30 ECTS of courses. The fourth semester is devoted to writin the master’s thesis, and can be spent in Iceland or Oslo.


Application deadline for both programs is February 1, 2014.

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