Webinar Workshop –  Medieval Women’s Networks

Webinar Workshop: 
Medieval Women’s Networks:

Exploring Techniques and Tools for Digital Analysis 

October 17-18, 2024, 12:00-14:30 EST, online

Scholars of medieval women agree that the promise of DH network analysis has fallen short of providing the kinds of insights into the relationships of medieval women they hoped it could. The goal of this public and interactive webinar-workshop is to explore potentially useful approaches to the study of medieval women and to consider best practices for extracting data & building models to analyze their networks using digital tools. 

The workshop is structured over two days.

On day one, scholars will present their experiences working with DH network tools to study medieval women & the difficulties they have encountered; allonline workshop attendees will be invited to comment, contribute, and commiserate. 

On day two, DHconsultants will respond to the challenges presented the previous day by sharing strategies & tools.

Both workshop days are free & open to the public by online registration.

Presenting scholars include Adrienne Williams Boyarin, Elena Brizio, Tracy Chapman Hamilton,S.C. Kaplan, Samantha Katz-Seal, Mariah Proctor-Tiffany, & Yvonne Seale. 

DH experts include Kalani Craig, Erin McCarthy, Jeffrey Rydberg-Cox, & Sébastien de Valeriola

TO REGISTER: Please visit https://tinyurl.com/DHMedievalWomen or this Registration link.

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